Virtual VulkanSceneGraph-1.0 Release Party

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Robert Osfield

Nov 13, 2022, 12:42:13 PM11/13/22
to OpenSceneGraph Users
Hi All,

Here's my post to vsg-users earlier today about this evenings "Virtual VulkanSceneGraph 1.0 Release Party", all devs welcome to join us.


I have scheduled a 1hr Zoom call for 8pm GMT this evening, Sunday 13th Nov.

To join Zoom Meeting: 

As long as no show stoppers appear today  that's when I'll tag 1.0.0 as well.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  I plan to record the session and post it to my youtube account if it looks suitable for sharing!

I would really appreciate hearing from others in the community on how you are using the VulkanSceneGraph and what your plans are. During the call I can hand over the mike/screenshare to folks that want to present their projects/work.  If you'd like to present something let me know beforehand  so I can have a rough idea of how to schedule the different speakers.

I look forward to meeting you all later today :-)

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