Current state and tasks

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Nikolay Georgiev

Aug 16, 2011, 3:45:10 PM8/16/11
Hi everybody,

we have CiviCRM installed on the microfundingtest platform.

You can see the new tasks in Pivotal:
Pivotal will be main place where will have the most current tasks, so please use it.

Some of you are working on some of these, please "Start" them. Some are for later. If I have forgot something please remind me to add it. We may also change some of them based on the input you give on the currents status below.

This is the current status:

- Edu (Eduardo) installed CiviCRM and created the True Fans page:
  Edu is working right now on:
    1) "Assign a "True Fan" Drupal role and a "True Fan" CiviCRM group to new true fans"
    2) Share Page - Improve CiviCRM "Personal Campaign Pages" (our "Share Page").

- Nick Person is working on the concept of the Recognition page - how to implement it in CiviCRM.
    Nick, did you think of a good concept about the Recognition page? Edu has also some ideas and may start to implement them soon. You both should talk.
    Nick, did you look at the user_badges module? They are for version 6 right now. Can these badges be embedded into other websites? If this is too complicated we can just develop further my simple concept:

- Michael McAndrew joined the Team. He will start with the following task:
  1) create a PayPal subscription instead of pay-once.
  Michael, for the Share and Invited page - Edu has the idea to improve the "Personal Campaign Pages" of CiviCRM, maybe you can help him with that.

- Lukasz, we have 3 small theming tasks in Pivotal. Can you take them?

If you have any ideas on any task please write them in this group email so that everybody can read them. Also maybe there can be more people working one task.

This will be our main communication channel from now on.

Edu, Nick, Michael and Lukasz,
while you are working, please write at least every 2-3 days what is the status of your work to the group email: in this form:
- What did you do?
- What are the current challenges?
- What will you do next?

In this way we can know how it is going with everyone. Of course when there are some results and problems, please write immediately so that others can help or so that we can continue to work further.

Thank you again everybody. The proposal is definitely moving forward and we have the chance to complete it!



Nikolay Georgiev
Open Source Ecology Supporter

Skype: nikolay.h.georgiev
Address: Darmstadt, Germany

Nick Person

Aug 17, 2011, 7:23:50 PM8/17/11
Eduardo, what were your thoughts on how to do the Recognition page sign-up form?

My current thought is to use the Rules module and make Actions that
are triggered when a user submits or edits a specific node of the
webform content type.

This would probably mean a CiviCRM API call for signing up for
recurring donations on PayPal since I assume that's not a current
Action in the CiviCRM Rules integration module.

Michael McAndrew

Aug 19, 2011, 9:10:39 AM8/19/11
Hello all,

Thought I'd introduce myself here on this list.  I'm really keen on getting more involved with OSE.  I've stumbled across your site a few times in the past and last weekend I thought I'd make a login and see how I can help out.

I'm keen to get involved in some physical way (I'm a WWOOFer and involved with WWOOF UK) and I'll look into that at some point.

My day job is a CiviCRM developer and implementor and when I saw that you are using CiviCRM, I realised that would be a good way for me to make myself useful right away.

You've been really great at welcoming me and helping me find somewhere that I can be useful.  Nikolay and I had a good chat on Tuesday and he introduced me to the Microfunding project and we assigned a couple of tasks to me.

I'm keen to get cracking on these tasks but I am organising civicon london, which happens on Monday.  CiviCon is then followed by two weeks of sprinting and training (btw if you are in or near the UK and want to come to any of these events, I highly recommend it!).

I hoped I would have had some time this week to look at OSE stuff, but the conference organising has taken up too much time and I'm now tied up till the 5th September.  So this email is an apology that I didn't get time to look at this this week (please feel free to re-assign these tasks) and a promise that I'll get back on to this as soon as the conference and events are over.

Michael McAndrew

tel: 020 7183 5828
mob: 07817 802299

Third Sector Design Ltd.

*** CiviCon London 22 August - sign up now! ***

Nikolay Georgiev

Aug 20, 2011, 8:35:00 AM8/20/11
Hi Michael,

thank you for lettings us know! Will be happy if you can join when you are free. We will continue to use CiviCRM and we will need support for this.


Nikolay Georgiev

Aug 20, 2011, 8:37:39 AM8/20/11
Hi guys,

Eduardo and Nick, did you connect with each other?

What is the status with your tasks? - what has been done, are there any
challenges, what remains to be done?


Nick Person

Aug 20, 2011, 4:15:50 PM8/20/11
I'm currently able to make a webform that allows the user to enter a form:

a) first name
b) last name
c) email

and uses it for

1) makes a drupal account for the user
2) enters civicrm data for that user
3) sends an email to the user
4) adds a true fans role

The next step is probably to work on PayPal (or whatever) integration
with the CiviCRM API



On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 8:37 AM, Nikolay Georgiev

Nick Person

Aug 20, 2011, 4:21:11 PM8/20/11
To make that replicable right now for anyone following at home:

1) I used the webform_civicrm module to make the form
2) enabled Rules module and CiviCRM Rules
3) Enabled PHP filter

-A webform is submitted
-PHP snippet as follows:


$account->is_new = TRUE;
$account->name = $data[civicrm_1_contact_1_contact_first_name][value][0];
$account->name .= $data[civicrm_1_contact_1_contact_last_name][value][0];
$account->password = '2938ufj29j382'; // this should be randomized
$thingie = user_save($account, array('status' => 1));
//drupal_set_message('<pre>'. print_r($thingie, TRUE) .'</pre>');
$form_state['uid'] = $thingie->uid;
user_login_submit(array(), $form_state);


-Add User Role
-Send Email
-Page Redirect

Nick Person

Aug 20, 2011, 4:28:18 PM8/20/11
You'll also need webform_rules, which I forgot. You don't actually
need CiviCRM rules the way it's currently done.
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