Client and server not working simultaneously! LwiP + Stm32F207 + FreeRTOS + Muultithreading

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Jul 18, 2017, 9:04:24 AM7/18/17
to osdeve.mirror.tcpip.lwip

Hello Everyone,

At this moment, we are facing an issue with our application using lwip when we are using

our device as server and client at the same time with 2 different threads.


I have used different ports for both the TCP sockets ( port 80 for http and 1234 for client socket)


Both the threads when run independently works fine but when I enable both of them in my application then server works fine till the time client makes connection

Once client is connected the http server thread goes in blocked state along with Ethernet thread and TCP/IP thread.

Priority of client is not high but for server is very high!

Multithreading is not supported in LwiP bt how can i resolve this situation 

How can i resolve this issue? Do we have some example code somewhere?



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