New official TriCore support, and issue in xTaskResumeFromISR()

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Nov 28, 2011, 5:42:08 AM11/28/11
Hi list,

+ New FreeRTOS Port

A new official FreeRTOS port to the Infineon TriCore has been released. The port uses the GCC tool chain, and the demo application targets the TriCore TC1782 evaluation board. You can get instant access to the new port and demo by visiting the port’s documentation page, a link to which is provided below.

+ Bug in xTaskResumeFromISR()

It has recently come to light that the implementation of xTaskResumeFromISR() is only correct for ports that do not use interrupt nesting. Please see for a quick fix if you are using this function, and are using interrupt nesting. The fix has already been checked into the SVN repository. This is the first bug in a very, very long time, apologies for any inconvenience caused. [Please also remember that xTaskResumeFromISR() should never be used to synchronise a task with a recurring event because it does not latch events. This is a common mistake, use a semaphore instead!]

+ Legacy code removal

Finally, just to forewarn list members that the old legacy trace facility has been removed from the code base, so will not be included in the next release. It has not been maintained since it was replaced with the trace macros, and just causes an unnecessary run time overhead with certain kernel configurations. This maintenance work has been carried out in preparation for the introduction of a new FreeRTOS tracing tool.

Best regards, as always,

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