Fwd: Has OSDD fulfilled its promise? bio spectrum

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jaleel uc

Oct 14, 2014, 3:13:47 PM10/14/14
to OSDD Cheminformatics, Open Source Drug Discovery, osddwomensc...@googlegroups.com, osddjuniorsc...@googlegroups.com, osddorganicc...@googlegroups.com, osddel...@googlegroups.com, osddscientistforum, mccchem...@googlegroups.com


One of the significant achievements of OSDD includes leveraging the potential of crowd sourcing to reannotate the genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The activity has been the largest crowd sourced activity till now and has been successful in actively involving the Indian student community at large. OSDD has also been successful in building up a host of open source facilities aiming to equip researchers with easily accessible resources to enable their research including facilities like Open Source Chemical Repository - OSDDChemat CSIR-CDRI and Open Screening Facility at CSIR-IICT along with open source Computational Resources for Drug Discovery," said Dr Sarala Balachandran. According to Prof. Samir K Brahmachari, "OSDD have made Indian students work together. Various labs across India are working together. It has created research opportunities for Indian students. 90 chem PI along with over 400 students are sysnthesing chemical molecule. Many other molecule re-discovered and are at various stage of development. In addition, we are now developing a system biology based computer modelling of an organism by which we can identify new ways of drug targets which are non-toxic. In addition, thousands of students have been trained." - See more at: http://www.biospectrumindia.com/biospecindia/features/219249/has-osdd-fulfilled-promise/page/3#sthash.qUIY0mH5.dpuf

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