Session 23 : Building Your Own Programming Language - The First Step
Have you ever thinking, how the computer can understand and execute
command we gave them ? How to build the magic instructions that
computer can understand ?
Most programming language today are based on English. What if you can
instruct computer to do thing in any language that you wish, like in
Malay, Mandarin, Arabic or whatever your favorite spoken language ?
You can do it if you know how to build your own programming language.
Even the language you build end up not being used by anyone, or
lacking a lot of features to being practical, you still learn a great
deal of thing that will make you into better programmer or computer
Throughout this talk, I'll try to walk the audience to their first
step in building their own programming language. We will learn
different kind of programming language we can build, what is compiler
and interpreter and how building it is just an exercise of mapping one
word to another word. In the end, the objective is for you to know how
to start and where to look for resources that you need in your journey
to build your own programming language.
Speaker :-
Mohd Kamal Bin Mustafa
Lead Developer at Xoxzo Inc
Register For Single Day Entry - Malaysia Open Source Conference 2017
Malaysia Open Source Conference 2017 (MOSCMY 2017) is now open for
registration. This conference is HRDF Claimable. form is only for single day entry. Please use other payment
link for other payment options.
Malaysia Open Source Conference 2017 Single Day Entry - RM150
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MOSCMY 2017 schedule :-.
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We are a group of volunteers who devote to promote open source culture
in Malaysia. We are programmers, start-up entrepreneurs, educators,
designers who loves open source technology and passionate to organize
events for this. We are experienced in it.
Official Website
Update schedule for MOSCMY 2017
Malaysia Open Source Community (MOSCMY), in collaboration with The
Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia (UKM) in Bangi, Malaysia will host Malaysia Open Source
Conference 2017 as follows:
Date : 17 - May 19, 2017
Venue : Faculty of information Science and Technology, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in Bangi, Malaysia.
Harisfazillah Jamel.
Independence Open Source Software Consultant
Malaysia Open Source Conference 2017 (MOSC MY 2017)