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MOSC MY 2016 Slot 5 : MySQL in the world of Internet of Things & BigData

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Harisfazillah Jamel

May 1, 2016, 1:50:37 AM5/1/16
MOSC MY 2016 Slot 5 : MySQL in the world of Internet of Things & BigData

A session at Malaysia Open Source Conference 2016 (MOSCMY 2016)


By Ricky Setyawan

Wednesday 25th May, 2016

4:00pm to 4:45pm (SMT)

MySQL in the world of Internet of Things & Big Data

In the Internet of Things, things talk to things, and processes have
two-way interconnectivity so they can interoperate both locally and
globally. Decisions can be made according to predetermined rules, and
the resulting actions happen automatically - without the need for
human intervention. These new interactions are driving tremendous
opportunities for new services. Gartner estimates the total economic
value-add from the Internet of Things across industries will reach
US$1.9 trillion worldwide in 20201.

MySQL is the leading open source database for Web-based and
Cloud-based applications; and is integrated within numerous Big Data
platforms. As Big Data and the Internet of Things generate significant
transformations in the way organizations capture and analyze new and
diverse data streams, find out how using MySQL solutions with Hadoop
can enable you to yield more insight than was ever previously

Ricky Setyawan has been in the IT industry for 17 years with the good
last 15 years working as RDBMS specialist. He is currently MySQL
Principal Sales Consultant for Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei
and Pakistan. Prior to joining Oracle, he was a Principal DBA doing
database design and management on Oracle and DB2 on RedHat Linux on
continuous availability server. He has been working on a number of
RDBMS throughout his career such as Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, and

Workshop 2 : MySQL 5.7 JSON native datatype

A session at Malaysia Open Source Conference 2016 (MOSCMY 2016)

By Ricky Setyawan

Thursday 26th May, 2016

11:00am to 12:00pm (SMT)

MySQL 5.7 : JSON native datatype

This workshop requires participants to bring their own laptop.

JSON is the perfect form to store IoT data because such data can be
diverse (different devices produce different data), data structures
will change over time (different generations of devices may output
different data and certainly no one will upgrade all devices), etc.
JSON is so flexible that different devices/version etc. can create and
send anything and this data can later be used for alerts, maintenance,
analytics etc.

Starting from 5.7, mysql offers JSON native datatype that allows fast
access to JSON documents because JSON values are not stored as
strings, instead using an internal binary format that permits quick
read access to document elements.

MySQL community forum/chat for MySQL enthusiasts. Ask/talk about any
kind of topics relating to MySQL.

Wednesday 25th May, 2016

12:00pm to 1:00pm (SMT)


Pendaftaran untuk Malaysia Open Source Conference 2016 (MOSC MY 2016)
kini dibuka. Sila lawat laman web berikut untuk maklumat pendaftaran
dan bayaran penyertaan. Untuk makluman pihak kami menggunakan
Eventbrite untuk sistem pendaftaran dan Paypal sebagai payment

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