SoCoCAN! announcement; check out our new website page and share it with everyone!

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Mar 29, 2024, 3:31:52 AMMar 29
to Earth Action Campaign
SoCoCAN! opposes forest-based biomass energy! Burning trees for electricity is more polluting than coal. Global deforestation is causing climate change. We rely on our forests to maintain our ecosystem. Our own Sonoma Clean Power is using 16.4% biomass energy, contributing to clearcutting and the serious effects of air pollution on the low-income communities where biomass plants typically operate. Hold SCP to their promise to phase out biomass energy by 2025. Stay on top of our local governments to ensure that Sonoma County never operates a biomass plant here. Biomass energy receives government subsidies under the guise of renewable energy. Trees are not a renewable resource! Support solar and wind energy. Harden homes to protect them from wildfires; "vegetation management" beyond 100' from homes has no effect in protecting homes. Don't let the logging industry take advantage of our fire fears to clearcut our trees. It takes 20-100 years to replace the trees that they are logging. SoCoCAN! is actively part of the global movement to stop this crime against nature.

We have added a new page to our website to address this issue:

Below are two sample announcements to share on social media. You can also forward this entire email to your friends and mailing lists.

Post this on Twitter and Facebook with the attached photo, or repost it from our Twitter page and Facebook page:
Burning trees for electricity is worse than coal.
Trees are not a renewable resource!
Join us today to stop global deforestation. We rely on our forests for maintaining our ecosystem.
(See attached photo to include with this post.

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