OSB 2015 Volunteer App is Up!!!!

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Amanda Lane

Jun 10, 2015, 12:03:56 AM6/10/15
to osbr...@googlegroups.com

You’re getting this email because sometime in the last year you indicated that you wanted to help out with Open Source Bridge.  Well, that time has come for the 2015 conference!

You know we’re completely volunteer run, and that means you, your coworkers, your friends, your family, etc.  If you’re still interested, please check out the 2015 OSB volunteer app.  Create a login, if you haven’t already, sign up for some shifts, you know the drill.  You give us some time, we give you a super cool t-shirt (new art this year!), delicious food, and a free pass to the conference (with 8 hours of time committed). 

Please share the link, after you’ve snagged the shifts you want, of course.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you find any bugs in the app.  

I’m so excited to have you join us this year, the conference is going to be great!

Amanda Lane
Volunteer Coordinator  
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