I have a Docker build of Orthanc based on the osimis/orthanc-webviewer-plugin:latest (circa 6 months ago) where I make use of both the PostGre and Osimis viewer plugins. I have the PostGre set up to store the DICOM as blobs in the database.
I have some users reporting that they cannot view images in the Osimis viewer that they're pretty confident they viewed before. I can confirm that I cannot view the images, though when I try, I'm trying for the first time, myself.
In some cases, within a study, the scout series (the first series) might be viewable, but the remaining series fail to load. Digging into the javascript developer console, I see a lot of errors regarding empty objects, uncaught exceptions, unhandled rejection of binary requests... really a lot of javascript errors, so I couldn't guess what is the primary error and what is simply a cascade from that.
The same images can be viewed using the standard web viewer plugin that ships with the Orthanc docker image. I simply swap out the Orthanc image, leaving the postgres container up and running. The Orthanc web viewer can view images where the Osimis cannot.
What might be going on here?
- Is the standard Orthanc webviewer capable of handling some compression schemes that the Osimis viewer is not?
- I downloaded DICOM and dug into them with command line DCMTK tools to see if the compression schemes are different between working and non-working images, but I couldn't see anything. I might not be looking in the right place and I'm not convinced the act of downloading from Orthanc itself doesn't repackage into a single compression scheme.
- The fact that the users report earlier success with Osimis followed by later failure makes me think it's not a compression scheme problem.
- Does the Osimis viewer and/or PostGres store extracted image blobs (separate from the DICOM blobs), sort of like a cache of extracted JPEG to return rather than re-extracting images each time from original DICOM?
- I could imagine such a cache becoming corrupted for some reason (our servers sometimes crash for other reasons not related to Orthanc)
- Is there a way to erase such a cache and force re-extraction of images from the original DICOM?
- Do I simply delete the WebViewerCache on disk and restart? Why wouldn't the same problem occur for the Orthanc standard web viewer if they're both using the same disk cache?
- I tried downloading a few of the more recent osimis/orthanc-webviewer-plugin docker containers (release-1.1.0, trenser, etc.)
- As far as I could tell, they were missing the PostGreSQL plugin for Orthanc. Hence, they don't work as a base image for me with my postgres setup.
- Even though the dockerfile described on Docker hub indicates they are starting with the standard jodogne/orthanc-plugins which should come with the postgresql plugin.
Thanks for suggestions,