Im using the latest version of Orthanc with PostgreSQL backend. Studies are not being stored in PostreSQL. Other details are given below:
The problem I'm facing is that when I search for studies using /tools/find and specify any other parameter except studydate the search takes ages. for example
{ "Expand": true, "Level": "Studies", "CaseSensitive": false, "Query": { "PatientName": "**" , "PatientID": "**" , "StudyID": "**" , "StudyDate": "20211115-20211117" }}
the above query returns 85 studies in less than a second. but the below queries take any where from 97 to 123 seconds to return around 60 records
{ "Expand": true, "Level": "Studies", "CaseSensitive": false,
"Query": { "PatientName": "**" , "PatientID": "**" , "StudyID": "**" ,
"StudyDate": "20211115-20211117" , "ModalitiesInStudy":"CT" }}
{ "Expand": true, "Level": "Studies", "CaseSensitive": false,
"Query": { "PatientName": "**" , "PatientID": "**" , "StudyID": "**" ,
"StudyDate": "20211115-20211117" , "InstitutionName":"Abby Pet Clinic" }}
I'm at a total loss as to why this is happening.