Did you try using a complete set of tags in a findscu from the CLI if you have DCMTK ? e.g.: You might have to add +tla -ic for TLS.
That sort of emulates a MWL query from the command line, although there are ways to do that with JSON or other tools.
I think that the MWL server only returns a list of tags and values for tags that you actually ask for in the request, not ones that are present, but not requested.
You can also do a dcmdump on the MWL file that resides on the server to verify what tags are defined in the MWL file.
Are you able to determine what is in the request from the device console ? If you turn on --trace in Orthanc you will get a detailed log of the DIMSE request and response in the Orthanc log, and findscu will show an output in the terminal if you have I think the -v option.
findscu 4445 -W -v -d -k "AccessionNumber" \
-k "Modality" \
-k "InstitutionName" \
-k "ReferringPhysicianName" \
-k "PatientName" \
-k "PatientID" \
-k "PatientBirthDate" \
-k "PatientSex" \
-k "PatientAge" \
-k "PatientWeight" \
-k "MedicalAlerts" \
-k "Allergies" \
-k "StudyInstanceUID" \
-k "StudyID" \
-k "RequestingPhysician" \
-k "RequestedProcedureDescription" \
-k "AdmissionID" \
-k "SpecialNeeds" \
-k "CurrentPatientLocation" \
-k "PatientState" \
-k "ScheduledProcedureStepSequence[0]" \
-k "RequestedProcedureID" \
-k "RequestedProcedurePriority" \
-k "PatientTransportArrangements"
Stephen D. Scotti, M.D.