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Secure Image Transfer

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Healthcare Tech

Oct 5, 2020, 3:12:26 PM10/5/20
to Orthanc Users
Hello All,

I understand that Orthanc does not support TLS for image transfer from another DICOM server to Orthanc server. Is there a way to ensure secure transfer of images.

Here is a scenario:

Our received images from various client to our Orthnac server. We currently using PACSONE  and it support TLS. Ideally looking similar TLS for secure image transfer from client dicom servers.

Thanks in advance

Sébastien Jodogne

Oct 6, 2020, 2:05:41 AM10/6/20
to Orthanc Users

This topic is covered in the Orthanc Book:

Summarizing, use a VPN or a SSH tunnel. You could also consider giving back by buying support packs from Osimis so as to allow us to develop the TLS feature:


Yi Lu

Nov 8, 2020, 9:34:05 PM11/8/20
to Orthanc Users
TLS can be implemented in nginx using its layer 4 capability to terminate SSL for upstream server.

I have a use case with Orthanc where a separate nginx container was used to allow DICOM on TLS. More information here (under security).
The specific nginx configuration is here. Check out the file dicomtls.conf. I've tested DICOM C-STORE.
This whole example project can run on AWS so you can validate on your own.

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