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Updates to orthanc in Debian Stretch repository and mininum version required for OrthancExplorer2

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James Allsopp

Sep 21, 2018, 10:20:29 AM9/21/18
to Orthanc Users
Just wondering if they'll be an update to the Debian package in Stretch for Orthanc, it's currently at 1.2 which is falling behind. Currently can't get OrthancExplorer2 to work with it, due to the following error on startup taken from the orthanc logs. 
0921 15:03:28.091737 main.cpp:632] Loading plugin(s) from: /usr/share/orthanc/plugins/
W0921 15:03:28.094144 PluginsManager.cpp:268] Registering plugin 'OE2' (version 1.0)
E0921 15:03:28.094592 PluginsManager.cpp:203] Plugin invoking unknown service: 1010
E0921 15:03:28.094652 PluginsManager.cpp:196] Exception while invoking plugin service 3001: Plugin trying to call the database during its initialization
E0921 15:03:28.094669 PluginsManager.cpp:196] Exception while invoking plugin service 3001: Plugin trying to call the database during its initialization
E0921 15:03:28.094682 PluginsManager.cpp:196] Exception while invoking plugin service 3004: Plugin trying to call the database during its initialization

The OrthancExplorer2 library was cloned and built today.

I presume this is due to a version mismatch, so I'm wondering what the minimum version of Orthanc I require for the OrthancExplorer2 plugin to work?


Sébastien Jodogne

Sep 21, 2018, 10:32:23 AM9/21/18
to Orthanc Users

The plugin service 1010 corresponds to "OrthancPluginRegisterIncomingHttpRequestFilter2()", which was introduced in Orthanc 1.3.0.

Note that Orthanc Explorer 2 is a student work, and is not officially supported by the Orthanc project.

Orthanc 1.2.0 is almost 2 years old. Here are some possible solutions:
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