Using Transfers accelerator plugin with Lua script

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Yash Sonalia

Apr 5, 2023, 2:55:34 AM4/5/23
to Orthanc Users
Hi everyone!

I am trying to use the transfers accelerator plugin but I think I am not using/understanding it correctly.

So my workflow is relatively simple, I am using Horos as my local router, and 2 Orthanc servers, one primary and one secondary. 

When I route scans from Horos, I want them to go to secondary Orthanc, which has the transfers plugin enabled. And from the secondary, I am auto-routing scans using a lua script through a P2P connection to primary Orthanc.

 Since the transfers are not speeding up, we get hundreds of pending jobs on the secondary Orthanc.


This is the Lua script that I am using: 
function OnStoredInstance(instanceId, tags, metadata)
  local moveRequest = {}
  moveRequest["Resources"] = {}
  table.insert(moveRequest["Resources"], instanceId)
  moveRequest["Asynchronous"] = true

  local job = ParseJson(RestApiPost("/peers/primary/store", DumpJson(moveRequest, true)))
  print("created job " .. job["ID"] .. " to transfer instance " .. instanceId)

Any help related to speeding things up/ optimising the architecture is appreciated!


James Manners

Apr 5, 2023, 3:35:38 AM4/5/23
to Yash Sonalia, Orthanc Users
Hi Yash,
My experience is you need to be careful on the link speed between the 2 peers. If your link speed isn’t capable of sending fast enough you will end up with a backlog of transfers as you describe.
What is the link speed between your instances? What is the total volume of scans you’re trying to send?

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