Deleting a study takes a very long time

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Cuong Chau

Sep 20, 2021, 4:46:54 PM9/20/21
to Orthanc Users
I'd like to know why it takes over 10 minutes to delete a single study. Is it typical or something I perhaps did wrong. I've tried deleting using the REST cmd and Orthanc explorer and it took about the same amount of time.

My Orthanc is running in a Ubuntu box with mysql. Thank you for your help!

Sep 21, 2021, 12:22:49 AM9/21/21
to Orthanc Users

Some time ago, Mr. Salim Kanoun developed a perfect tool to solve your problem called ORTHANC TOOL, it works very well, it is very fast and it is special for eliminating and modifying entries in the Orthanc PACS, I recommend that you look for the download link in this same forum and I worked with that tool, I use it almost every day and it works great for me.



Sébastien Jodogne

Sep 21, 2021, 6:43:52 AM9/21/21
to Orthanc Users

There is a FAQ entry about this topic in the Orthanc Book:

"Deleting large studies can take some time, because removing a large number of files from a filesystem can be an expensive operation (which might sound counterintuitive).

It is possible to create an storage area plugin that delays the actual deletion from the filesystem. The plugin would maintain a queue (e.g. as a SQLite database) of files to be removed. The actual deletion from the filesystem would be done asynchronously in a separate thread.

We are looking for funding from the industry to implement such a plugin."


Cuong Chau

Sep 22, 2021, 5:39:46 PM9/22/21
to Orthanc Users
Thank you all for responding. I tried this again on a server with an SSD and it took a mere 30 seconds. So it appears the hardware is the bottleneck here.
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