problem while creating dao of generic model

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Nov 27, 2018, 9:39:37 AM11/27/18
to ORMLite Users
I have 3 classes : Professional, Doctor and Blog as described below-

public class Professional {

@DatabaseTable(tableName = "doctors", daoClass = DoctorDao.class)
public class Doctor extends Professional {
@DatabaseField(columnName = "id", generatedId = true)
Long id;

@DatabaseField(columnName = "name")
String name;

public Doctor() {


@DatabaseTable(tableName = "blogs", daoClass = BlogDao.class)
public class Blog<T> {
@DatabaseField(columnName = "id", generatedId = true)
Long id;

@DatabaseField(columnName = "title")
String title;

@DatabaseField(columnName = "blog_of", foreign = true, canBeNull = false, foreignAutoCreate = true)
T author;

I am unable to create DAO for the Blog class as I am not able to call constructor with generic parameter with class Blog.
The DAO for Blog are : 

public interface BlogDaoInterface extends Dao<Blog<? extends Professional>, Long> {

public class BlogDao extends BaseDaoImpl<Blog<? extends Professional>, Long> implements BlogDaoInterface {

public BlogDao(ConnectionSource connectionSource) throws SQLException {
super(connectionSource, Blog<? extends Professional>.class);

The ormlite is not able to create DAO of Blog class(i.e. BlogDao).
I have used ormlite to create tables by the following line of code :

TableUtils.createTableIfNotExists(connectionSource, Blog.class);

But the gradle shows following error:
"cannot select from parametrized type" in the BlogDao class in the following line:
super(connectionSource, Blog<? extends Professional>.class);

Please tell me the correct way of doing it. I am stuck with this problem for many days and not able to find any solution on internet.
Thanks in advance.
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