push to release 4.49

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Gray Watson

Feb 1, 2015, 4:08:36 PM2/1/15
Hey folks:

I'm making a push to get 4.49 release of ORMLite out the door this week. This means that I'm going back through bug reports, feature requests, and other feedback. I've been less than responsive over the past couple of months and so I need some help on that front. Please send me personal mail (not to the group) with reminders if you don't think that you request has been properly evaluated. A link to a github request or stack overflow bug report would be great.

For those folks submitting bugs, it is _always_ super helpful if you can isolate your problem into a unit test to make it easier for me both to understand the problem better and fix it faster.

I'm sure that 4.49 is not going to be perfect an that we are going to miss some issues. The idea is to get 4.49 out there and then turn around and be responsive on 4.50.



Here's what I have in the ChangeLog so far for 4.49:

* CORE: A lot of changes making CloseableIterator extend java.io.Closeable for Java7 support. Thanks to livelazily.
* CORE: Added JOIN-ing between tables _without_ a foreign-object relationship.
* CORE: Really fix QueryBuilder.orderByRaw(...) and orderBy(...) mutually exclusivity. Thanks to Diederik. Bug #161.
* CORE: Fixed a bug when we select columns on an entity without an id field. Thanks to lder.
* CORE: Added TimeStampStringType to support Android timestamps.
* CORE: Added the ability to override the DataPersister as well as the FieldConverter.
* CORE: Fixed a bug with building queries using selectRaw(...). Bug #166.
* CORE: Added support for the @Table entity from javax.persistence annotations. Thanks to wener. Bug #174.
* CORE: Revamped the javax.persistence annotation processing. Found and fixed a annotation problem along the way.
* CORE: Added Dao.create(Collection) method for bulk creation. Thanks to Farrukh Najmi for the good idea.
* CORE: Fixed bug with UpdateBuilder methods returning wrong type. Thanks to Joseph Jones. Bug #180.
* CORE: Fixed bug with the raw results that they are not obeying the AS SQL. Thanks to nonameplum. Bug #183.
* CORE: Fixed bug with ISNULL and ISNOTNULL which weren't working with serializable. Thanks to andrew8er. Bug #185.
* CORE: Fixed bug with dao.update() not setting the dao on BaseDaoEnabled instances. Thanks to Carlos Fonseca. Bug #177.
* CORE: Added DataType.BOOLEAN_CHAR (to support '1' '0' or 't' 'f') and BOOLEAN_INTEGER. Thanks to stew.
* CORE: Fixed bug where dao.deleteById(...) was not being properly notified. Thanks to DanielJette. Bug #190.
* CORE: Added support for QueryBuilder.countOf("DISTINCT(field)"). Thanks to spacetime.
* CORE: Fixed bug where useGetSet did not understand isXxx() for boolean fields. Thanks to HeDYn. Bug #187.
* CORE: Added support for Java 8 methods. Thanks to VincentFTS.
* JDBC: Possibly fixed some problems with the Oracle type with better boolean support. Thanks to 51mon.
* ANDROID: Fixed the string processing when persisting java.sql.Timestamp classes. Bug #163.
* ANDROID: Added initial take on Loader base classes from EgorAnd for newer Android versions. Thanks much!!
* ANDROID: Moved Slf4jLoggingLog from JDBC to CORE so Android users can use it. Thanks to tonyxiao.

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