ASIA in Milton Keynes 2013

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Feb 19, 2014, 8:04:29 AM2/19/14
I suppose this might be starting a discussion or asking a question, but has anyone except the band etc any idea if there's a chance of repeating the absolutely outstanding 2013 show at the Stables in Milton Keynes, it was the wife's first time at an Asia gig and she thought the venue was just perfect, i love big shows but am getting more and more used to small venues like the Stables and i thought it was a brilliant performance by the band, Maybe at 50 i'm just getting on a bit, but if the band enjoyed playing there anywhere near as much as i enjoyed the show, this was a triumph.And i'm a Scotsman living in  Epsom and get fed up with the big London stadiums etc Even Guildford would do
Can't get to Holmfirth but please please, MK or nearer this year it's gotta happen surely sometime!!!!!.
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