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deleting objects in relations. Searching objects in the opposite direction

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Jun 12, 2017, 6:13:05 PM6/12/17
to OrientDB

Would you please give me a tip about relations in OrientDB and ObjectApi?

Suppose that there are 2 classes

Public class Person {
     Private String name;

Public class Group {
     Private Set <Person> members;
And in DB  an object 'myGroup' with linkset to persons_1, person_2

Now we want to remove person_1.

How to prevent situation where members include link to deleted object?
Does OrientDB have a built-in mechanism to remove link from members in this situation?
Is it possible to force OrientDB to return an exception during attempt to remove person_1?

What is the best way to find all group of person_2? Do I need to use sth like "select from group where ..." or is another way?
Above is easy but we can have A with links to B, and B links to C etc. It's easy to move from A to C but what the best way the search objects in the opposite direction?
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