Some questions regarding Distributed Architecture

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Riccardo Tasso

Sep 21, 2015, 6:07:06 PM9/21/15
to OrientDB
Hi, I have some question for you, starting from documentation: and

Auto-Sharding is not supported in the common meaning of Distributed Hash Table (DHT). Selecting the right shard (cluster) is up to the application.

Do you mean that for each insertion of a record into a class, the client should also specify explicitly the cluster? What do you mean with Auto-Sharding more precisely?

 Not complete merging of results for all the projections. Some functions like AVG() doesn’t work on map/reduce
Do you mean that some aggregators are not supported in distributed mode or simply that the aggregation should be executed client side? 

hotAlignment:true could bring the database status as inconsistent
Why? In which cases?

if hotAlignment=false is set, when a node re-joins the cluster (after a failure or simply unreachability) the full copy of database from a node could have no all information about the shards 
In which sense this could be a problem?

Thanks, I'm also doing a pull request to orientdb-docs to correct some typos.
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