from (
select expand(in("something"))
from Company where something="blah"
limit -1
limit -1
first( out("somethingelse").description )
from (
select expand(in("something"))
from Company where something="blah"
limit -1
limit -1
SELECT first( out('friends').name, null ) as firstFriend FROM Profiles
Maybe you could try it ?
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Sure, will do that.
On 16 January 2015 at 23:20, Luca Garulli wrote:
Hi guys,I think you are right: first shouldn't return one record at all, but rather return the first element in a multi-value (array, list, set, map).Please could you open a new issue for that?Lvc@
On 16 January 2015 at 20:09, syshex wrote:
Hi MarcelThe [0] notation works like you saidThe other try, with the null being passed as an argument fails with an exception :com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OCommandExecutionException: Syntax error: function 'first' needs 1 argument(s) while has been received 2
apparently first only accepts one argument.the [x] notation will do for now. It just surprised me to see first() behaving like that.Thanks so much for your help
On Friday, January 16, 2015 at 2:34:51 PM UTC, Marcel Pitch wrote:In my first queries, I've encountered the same problem. That's why I use now the '[0]' code.But I was just reading the OrientDB Functions documentation.And I saw that :"In case you need to use a function as inline when you've only one parameter, then add a second one like "null":SELECT first( out('friends').name, null ) as firstFriend FROM Profiles
In this case first() function doesn't aggregate everything in only one record, but returns one record per Profile where the firstFriend is the first item of the collection received as parameter."
Maybe you could try it ?
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