What driver you chosen?

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Quốc Nam Lê

Aug 17, 2016, 10:59:29 PM8/17/16
to OrientDB
Hi all,
I'm considering to choose driver to work with OrientDB.
I'm hesitating between ostico/phpOrient and orientjs.
So, who are using ostico/phpOrient?
What's your problem with thís driver?
And what's driver have better support from OrientDB and community?

Luigi Dell'Aquila

Aug 18, 2016, 2:43:13 AM8/18/16
to orient-...@googlegroups.com

well, these two drivers are for two different languages. phpOrient is for PHP and OrientJS is for Node.js, so I'd choose based on your preference language.
Both drivers are well supported, OrientJS is maintained internally, phpOrient is maintained by Ostico that is an external contributor, but he is very close to OrientDB team the quality of the driver is definitely good 




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