How is class inheritance supposed to work?

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Sendu Bala

Aug 24, 2015, 6:37:49 AM8/24/15
to OrientDB
In Studio 2.1, I created a class X with 2 properties. Then I created Y as a subclass of X since it was to have the same 2 properties. Then I created Z as a subclass of X since it was to have the same 2 properties, plus another. But adding the extra property to Z also added the property to X and Y. Likewise, with class A being a subclass of X, deleting a property of A also deletes it from X.

Is this a bug in Studio, or is this expected behaviour of classes and subclasses? If a subclass can't have different properties compared to it's parent, what is the intended use of inheritance?


Aug 24, 2015, 5:16:27 PM8/24/15
to OrientDB
I thought it worked exactly like you expected it to work.

Maybe I haven't tried more than 2 levels.  I did just write a post here about it combining a single INDEX over all children -- maybe this was a newly introduced issue?

I tried to use OrientDB for something a 5 months ago but eventually gave up and went back to MSSQL however I think the concepts here are the greatest things I've seen since C++ added OOP features to C and that was 1989!

Aug 25, 2015, 4:39:56 AM8/25/15
to OrientDB
I created a class X with 2 properties.
I created a class Y that inherit from X.
I created a class Z that inherit from X and I added a new property.
Adding the new property to Z, it isn't added to class X and class Y but only at the class Z.

I created a class A that inherit from X.
If I try to delete the property1(inherit from X) from class A, I get this error:
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OSchemaException: Property 'property1' not found in class A'
Being A a subclass of X you can't delete a property inherited because A would not be anymore a subclass of X .


Sendu Bala

Aug 25, 2015, 4:44:51 AM8/25/15
to OrientDB
Woops, looks like I got confused; it was indexes of properties that were not independent.
Are you supposed to create abstract classes with unindexed properties, and then create the index for those properties in each subclass?

Aug 25, 2015, 5:22:06 AM8/25/15
to OrientDB
I created an abstract class X with one property and an index on that property.
I create a class Y that inherit from X, it inherit the property and the index.
I deleted the index inherited from class Y and the index was deleted also from class X.
I thought that would not allow to delete the index from class X and Y.


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