I have a simple dataset that I'm playing with to test out the geospatial capabilities of the orientdb-spatial module.
The input is just a simple table of a few of the nazca line geoglyphs.
Ultimately, I'd like to put together a query that can generate edges in the graph from nodes to the neighbors that are within N km. For a threshold of 2km, I'd end up with edges that are something like this:
but it doesn't appear that I could do this with some kind of CREATE EDGES query directly, so I'm left with native Java or a Javascript server-side function. I'm working on a function to do this, so the first part is to generate a table containing the SourceNode, DestNode, and Distance which I can then use to create the edges.
Thus far, I've only been able to get a query like this to work, which can only find my features that are within some distance of a specific node.
SELECT $temp.@rid as SourceRID,
$temp.Name AS SourceName,
@rid AS DestRID,
Name AS DestName,
$distance.format("%.4f") AS Distance
FROM GeoGlyph
LET $temp = first((SELECT * FROM GeoGlyph WHERE Name = "<GEOGLYPH NAME>"))
WHERE [Latitude,Longitude,$spatial] NEAR [$temp.Latitude, $temp.Longitude,{"maxDistance":2}]
ORDER BY Distance
I can run this inside a loop over all the nodes in my graph to build a list of all the pairs, which can then be used to generate my edges. The javascript function that I'm mucking around with to explore this looks like the following:
var g = orient.getGraph();
// set max distance threshold
var distance = 2;
// get the list of all GeoGlyph vertices
var v = g.command('sql', 'SELECT FROM GeoGlyph');
var edges = [];
var seen = {};
for(i=0; i<v.length; i++)
var name = v[i].getRecord().field('Name');
var srcid = v[i].getRecord().field('@rid');
seen[name] = true;
query = 'SELECT $temp.Name AS SourceName, @rid AS DestRID, Name AS DestName, $distance.format("%.4f") AS Distance FROM GeoGlyph LET $temp = first((SELECT * FROM GeoGlyph WHERE Name = "'+name+'")) WHERE [Latitude,Longitude,$spatial] NEAR [$temp.Latitude, $temp.Longitude,{"maxDistance":'+distance+'}] AND Name != "'+name+'" ORDER BY Distance';
// Get a list of geoglyphs that are within 2km of the current geoglyph.
var p = g.command('sql', query);
for(j=0; j<p.length; j++)
var destName = p[j].getRecord().field('DestName');
if(destName in seen)
var dstid = p[j].getRecord().field('DestRID');
var dist = p[j].getRecord().field('Distance');
var row = [srcid, dstid, name, destName, dist];
// Loop over the data and print out the @rid field for source and dest..
for(i=0; i<edges.length; i++)
print(edges[i][0] +" "+ edges[i][1]);
The output I get from the print statement in the final loop is this:
#25:0 GeoGlyph#25:1{Latitude:-14.706727,Longitude:-75.14754,Name:Monkey} v1
#25:1 GeoGlyph#25:8{Latitude:-14.706401,Longitude:-75.13079,Name:Dog} v1
#25:2 GeoGlyph#25:3{Latitude:-14.694363,Longitude:-75.12358,Name:Spider} v1
So, I can get the source RID just fine, but the dest RID isn't just a "#nn:nn" style format... it's the document.
How can I modify the SELECT statement in my query to get the RID as just a string?