I'm using orientdb 2.0 and I have a couple of Lucene indexes setup.
I've tried in the past, still with orientdb2.0, to use the PortugueseAnalyzer , which was not working. The following command executes without a problem:
create index Company.description_nif on Company(description,nif) FULLTEXT ENGINE LUCENE METADATA {"analyzer":"org.apache.lucene.analysis.pt.PortugueseAnalyzer"}
But querying that index returns always 0 results. With the default analyzer results are returned fine, but I've got issues with some Portuguese chars (accents and whatnot ) .
So, I'm wondering if I write a custom Analyzer, is there a "correct" way to plugin it in orientdb ? I was looking at the documentation and found nothing about this.
Would really love some help on either getting the PortugueseAnalyzer working or just getting a new custom analyzer working with orientdb.
Thanks so much