This is very urgent , a lot of dependency on this , help appreciated .
Lets say RDBMS has two tables A and B
A has a foreign key , a primary key in B .
B has no reference of A , i.e .no foreign key that is a primary key in A .
My orientDB database has a schema-Full data-model which maintains bi-directional lightweight edges / LINKS , here
A will have out_ReferenceOfB and B will have in_ReferenceOfA.
Now I do ETL using exported .csv files and try to populate data .
I use ETL to read .json config file for table A and .csv file for table A , and use the following json object to create lightweight edges :
"link": {
"joinFieldName": "foreignKeyB",
"linkFieldName": "out_ReferenceOfB ",
"linkFieldType": "LINK",
"lookup": "B.IDENTIFIER",
"unresolvedLinkAction": "ERROR"
How do I create the other link / reference which creates out_ReferenceOfA in the same .json configuration by using ETL .