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Orientdb Installer script for Ubuntu and CentOS

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May 13, 2017, 1:40:11 PM5/13/17
Please note that his is only for CentOS and Ubuntu

I built a little automated installer script for orientDB that handles all the initial configurations. 
Hopefully this is helpful to someone new to Linux or just doesn't want to do all the configurations themselves.

It may be better to run in on a system that does not already have java installed, or you may need to change the java version after running this.

hartmut bischoff

May 15, 2017, 12:51:41 AM5/15/17
to OrientDB
Your script installs the database itself. Prior to the usage of OrientDB you have to start die database-server manually.

Personally,I prefer the conventional setup through a service, with proper settings of an orientdb-group and the ability for fine-tuning of access-rights as described in the docs (

May 19, 2017, 12:43:59 PM5/19/17
to OrientDB
I read most of the documentation and even some tutorials prior to making this script and therefore I have accounted for what you are saying.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that my script installs the systemd service.
  • Check lines 108 through 128, 
  • specifically line 122 and 123 which specifies the user and group that the systemd service runs under.

Also correct me if i'm wrong but 
  • at lines 89, 90 and 95 through 99 it also set's up user settings as well.

If there's something that isn't working for you, please let me know.
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