Edge vs Link, question and help (Example Inside)

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Academia Learning Centro de inglés y de formación

Nov 16, 2016, 5:10:05 AM11/16/16
to OrientDB
Sorry but I'm a bit confused, a model of graph may have links or always have edges?

I have this model (pic) done with edges, (without properties) but I can not get for example this:
SELECT * FROM EHR WHERE EHR_Status.name = 'Paloma'

This does not work, is it because they are not united with vertices if not with edges?

Using this model, how could I get the CompositeVersion whose EHR_Status.name = 'Paloma'

Would it be something like this query?
select expand( in() ) from CompositeVersion where .......  EHR_Status.name = 'Paloma'?

Thank you so much
Sin título.png

Luigi Dell'Aquila

Nov 16, 2016, 5:30:20 AM11/16/16
to orient-...@googlegroups.com

What is EHR_Status? Is it a link property? 
In general the answer is yes, you can mix document and graph models and you should have no problems with this, so I suppose there is something else...




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Academia Learning Centro de inglés y de formación

Nov 16, 2016, 5:52:29 AM11/16/16
to OrientDB
Each EHR will have an EHR_status (without properties) but I do not know if it should be an edge or link
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