Lawrence Lessig lecture with Q/A this afternoon

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Pete Forsyth

Feb 25, 2010, 1:02:42 PM2/25/10
Wireside Chat with Lawrence Lessig

Tune in Here
Feb 25th, 2010 6:00—7:30pm ET
Lawrence Lessig, the foundational voice of the free culture movement, will deliver a talk on fair use, politics, and online video from Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. You’ll be able to tune in to a live webcast at We’re also hosting screenings in cities around the world. The lecture by Lawrence Lessig will last 45 minutes, and will be followed by a 30 minute interactive Q & A session. The event will be moderated by Elizabeth Stark of the Open Video Alliance. Questions can be submitted using the hashtag #wireside. This is a talk about copyright in a digital age, and the role (and importance) of a doctrine like “fair use.” Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, and is essential for commentary, criticism, news reporting, remix, research, teaching and scholarship with video. As a medium, online video will be most powerful when it is fluid, like a conversation. Like the rest of the internet, online video must be designed to encourage participation, not just passive consumption. Tune in here on February 25th, 6:00pm US Eastern time (GMT -5), or check out our screening events in cities across the world. The Wireside Chat is made possible with the support of iCommons and the Ford Foundation.
-- Guillaume Paumier _______________________________________________ Staff mailing list
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