Fwd: Oregon’s citizen initiative petition system would be rejuvenated with online signing of petitions, left-wing activists say | Local

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Dan Meek

Sep 27, 2017, 8:11:48 PM9/27/17
to statec...@progparty.org, oregon-progressive-part...@googlegroups.com
As usual, Our Oregon opposes direct democracy.

Under new proposal, citizens could sign by hand in person or electronically at a state-run website

Oregon’s citizen initiative petition system would be rejuvenated with online signing of petitions, left-wing activists say | Local

Frustrated at seeing their priorities die year after year in the Oregon Legislature, some left-wing political activists are pushing for a big change in the state’s citizen initiative system.

They want to make Oregon the first state in the nation to give registered voters the option of signing initiative petitions online, via electronic signature on a state-run website, in addition to the current system, where paid and volunteer gatherers, often standing on busy sidewalks, collect them with pen and paper.

Oregon’s century-old initiative process allows residents to bypass the Legislature, ­propose new public policies and vote them directly into state law or the constitution. But that happens only if ­backers can collect a set number of signatures to qualify a measure for the ballot.

That has proved to be ­a serious hurdle in recent years: Of 415 initiative petitions filed since the ­November 2006 election, only 27 — or 6.5 percent — have qualified to go to voters, usually with significant financial backing from advocates to pay for ­signature gatherers.

Smaller campaigns with ­little money often complain that the heavily regulated ­system is stacked against them.

With online signing, signature gathering could be much cheaper for campaigns, allowing more grass-roots initatives without moneyed backers to qualify, argues chief petitioner David Carlson, a 30-year-old Aloha resident and Portland State University student.

It also would be much more convenient and ­accessible ­system for voters, he said.

“We live in 2017. The ­Internet is available and ­accessible to almost all ­Oregonians,” he said. “People do everything online.”

But with an online ­signing system, many more wedge ­issues for the political left and right probably would go to voters every two years — a prospect that worries some in Oregon’s political establishment.

Union-backed opposition

The fledgling “grass-roots petitioning” effort, IP 2, ­already is under attack from perhaps the state’s most ­powerful liberal group: Our Oregon, the political ­advocacy machine backed by public ­employee unions.

Our Oregon Executive ­Director Ben Unger challenged IP 2’s proposed ballot title to the attorney general and the Oregon Supreme Court in ­recent months. In both cases, however, most of Our Oregon’s complaints were dismissed.

Carlson, a veteran of ­recent left-wing campaigns to ­increase Oregon’s minimum wage to $15 an hour and to ­enact new protections for ­renters, says he’s puzzled by Our Oregon’s opposition.

“Why are you coming after us? It seems so random to have Our Oregon come after a little grass-roots organization that’s trying to help democracy,” he said. “We have so much ­commonality with them in our (political) causes.”

But Oregon’s government unions have a long history of supporting more restrictions and regulations on the ­initiative process — often citing concerns about fraud — and opposing ­efforts to open it up.

In fact, Our Oregon was created in 2005 in large part to fight the anti-tax initiative petitions of conservative activist Bill Sizemore. Until the defeat of Our Oregon’s proposed corporate tax increase in 2016, Measure 97, the union-backed group had racked up an impressive string of victories at Oregon’s ballot box, both in passing measures it favored and defeating ones it opposed.

Online petition portal

With regards to online petition signing, Our ­Oregon spokeswoman Katherine ­Driessen said IP 2 “is not the right way to modernize our ­initiative petition system.”

“If I’m a voter who wants to sign an initiative petition, ­putting a website up is not ­going to change that.”

Under the proposal, the petition signing hub would be a state website administered by the secretary of state, such as the current online voter registration page and ­Oregon’s campaign finance disclosure portal. At the campaign finance portal, partisan and nonpartisan campaigns set up filing ­accounts and submit mandated campaign receipt and expense disclosures electronically that the public then can view.

For petition signing, ­voters would have to log in as ­themselves, verifying their registration with their Social Security number or Oregon driver’s ­license number. Then, they would complete a two-step ­verification by confirming ­receipt of an email.

That could be simpler than the current system used by the state for verifying hand­written ­signatures on paper petitions, Carlson said, since only ­voters with an active registration could log in to sign initiative petitions.

But Driessen argued that the IP 2 system would put the partisan secretary of state “in an odd position where they are setting up, running and ­facilitating a website that’s ­collecting signatures.”

“That’s an inherently ­problematic and very partisan position,” she said.

Last year, Oregon voters elected Dennis Richardson as secretary of state, the first Republican to hold statewide ­office since 1998.

In legal filings, Our Oregon argued that IP 2 would “place the ‘onus’ on the secretary of state to gather digital signatures” — as opposed to initiative petitioners themselves. But the Supreme Court earlier this month rejected that argument.

“IP 2 would only make the secretary of state responsible for creating and ­administering a website where voters can sign initiative and referendum petitions digitally,” wrote ­Justice Rives Kistler. “The ­secretary of state would not have to do ­anything beyond that.”

Right-wing proposals

Carlson said that, in a meeting he had with Our Oregon officials, they expressed entirely different concerns about IP 2.

They feared that an online signature system would make it easier for right-wing ­proposals to qualify for the ­ballot, he claimed, which would force them to wage more defensive campaigns.

In recent years, anti-­immigration and anti-abortion groups, for example, repeatedly have tried and failed to qualify measures for the ballot.

But that criticism of IP 2 by Oregon’s “Democratic establishment” is too defensive, Carlson argues, and ignores “the new opportunity for grass-roots leftist causes to get on the ballot” with an online ­signing system.

“If a lot of these (right-wing) causes got on the ballot, they’d lose by 10 or 15 (percentage) points,” he said. “We have a fairly informed, more liberal voter base here.”

Our Oregon’s opposition to online petitions also exposes “hypocrisy” among liberals, who — ostensibly to promote citizen engagement — passed automatic voter registration in Oregon in 2015, he added.

“The Democrats have had supremacy for 12 years in the (state) House and Senate and governorship” in Oregon, Carlson said. “Do you see them making real systemic change? No, because they’re still victims in a system that requires them to take on lots of money.

“Real change comes through Oregonians ­themselves and the initiative process,” ­Carlson added.

“People power” campaign

Asked about Carlson’s claims about his meeting with Our Oregon, Driessen reiterated that the current ­signature gathering initiative system is “very effective.”

“We have a really accessible system to folks who have an initiative that resonates with voters and are able to gather those (needed) signatures,” she said.

Ashley Bardales, Carlson’s girlfriend and his fellow chief petitioner, said she was on the fence herself about IP 2 for a while.

“I did wonder, ‘Is this ­going to increase the (political) right’s ability to pass things?’  ” she said.

But, ultimately, Bardales said she decided that an online signing system would give many Oregonians outside the urban centers — where most signature-gathering now is done — access to the ­initiative system.

“I grew up in Forest Grove, but I never saw an ­initiative petition there,” she said. “I would hear about all these policies that would impact me, but I didn’t feel like I could get my voice heard.”

But Our Oregon’s opposition could make it hard for IP 2 to qualify for the ballot. The campaign has raised less than $1,000 so far, and it’s been unable to secure financial support from other mainstream liberal political groups, Carlson acknowledged.

“It’s going to have to be a ‘people power’ campaign,” he said. “There’s definitely a gatekeeper mentality as to what policies are viable and worthwhile within the political class.”

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Source: http://registerguard.com/rg/news/local/35984525-75/story.csp

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