Fwd: Diesel Bill Hearing Scheduled 3/19 -Don't let permissive deadline render HB2007 meaningless

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Dan Meek

Mar 13, 2019, 3:29:22 PM3/13/19
to oregon-progressive-part...@googlegroups.com
Good info.

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Subject: Diesel Bill Hearing Scheduled 3/19 -Don't let permissive deadline render HB2007 meaningless
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2019 11:54:24 -0400 (EDT)
From: Neighbors for Clean Air <ma...@whatsinourair.org>
Reply-To: ma...@whatsinourair.org
To: dr...@meek.net

Oregon can't wait another ten years for Truckers to comply with decade old standard.
March 13, 2019018
HB 2007 - Clean Diesel Bill
Don't let dirty diesel keep rolling on Oregon roads for another decade
We applaud our state legislature for taking up the issue of dirty diesel in Oregon. We agree that after decades of neglect and with the influx of VW settlement dollars to support this, it is time for Oregon to take a strong and decisive stance to reduce deadly diesel emissions.

HB2007 is the right step forward if it is amended to incorporate stronger timelines, closes the loop hole for good on "glider trucks," and provides the resources to support clean diesel contracting and engine standards by making the age of equipment and engines easily identifiable.

  • 2029 is too permissive to allow existing dirty trucks to operate in Oregon.

We have to ask. Did the Oregon Trucking Association get to write the deadlines? The Oregonian's most recent installment in the series on industry's influence on environmental policy focuses specifically on how the Trucking Lobby has blocked real progress on this for over two decades. When the bill dropped last week, advocates saw something we hadn't seen in any previous draft and that was a compliance deadline for the proposed engine emission standard which gives operators of trucks in Oregon another full decade, until 2029, to comply. This is a full six years longer than these vehicles will be legal in California, which begs the question of how many of California's old equipment will land in Oregon before our rules take effect. Oregon's proposed engine emission standard is the same as California's - which is to meet the 2010 federal emissions standard on these vehicles, Oregon shouldn't be more lenient than our neighbors to require technology that is already nearly a decade old. Think about it: California was forcing businesses to retire relatively newer equipment. Oregon's lack of action has already given this equipment longer useful life.

  • Oregon legislators need to close the Glider Trucks loophole - not make it stronger and potentially encourage more dirty engines to be dumped into Oregon..

"Gliders" are new truck cabs that have been retrofitted to conceal older model year engines. According to Amelia Schlusser from the Green Energy Institute at Lewis & Clark Environmental Law School: Gliders have been widely referred to as “trojan horses” or “super-polluters,” primarily because the true nature of their emissions is not immediately evident to the naked eye. And this is a big problem in Oregon. California, where there are 5.6 million heavy trucks registered, only 400 have been identified as gliders. By contrast, of the 380,000 heavy truck registered in Oregon, a 2018 study revealed that 9000 were gliders.

  • Enforcement of stronger truck and public clean contracting standards means Oregon needs a way to be able to clearly identify the model year of equipment and engines. Oregon DEQ should develop a sticker identification program like California to make it easier to see that clean diesel standards are in place on construction sites.

As the numbers below illustrate, every year matters that Oregon leaders don't address this problem.
HB2007 can be strengthened to meet the urgent need by:
  • establishing 2023 deadline for all trucks to meet the 2010 emissions standards
  • require that an owner or operator of a diesel vehicle be required to carry proof that the vehicle meets federal emissions standards for the model year in which the vehicle was manufactured or assembled.
  • direct DEQ to develop sticker identification program for all construction related equipment to help fleet managers and local governments meet clean diesel construction standards.
What You Can Do/Next steps:

  1. HB 2007 is scheduled for a hearing in the House Energy & Environment Committee Tuesday, March 19th 1pm - show up in Salem, or submit testimony on line when the agenda is posted. See below for talking points to support your testimony. For more info, check out the bill home page. There you can sign up for regular alerts so you will be the first to hear about any legislative activity related to the bill.
  2. Thursday March 21: Clean Air/Environment Lobby Day - We are working with OCN on their Lobby Day and coordinating special meetings to discuss concerns about the current version of the diesel bill.
  3. Sponsor a student from Harriet Tubman Middle School or Lincoln HS to make the trip to Salem.
  4. Are you active in a professional organization? Neighborhood Association? Church group? Consider an endorsement of the Diesel Bill Oregon desperately needs by putting your organization's name on Oregon Just Transition Alliance Air Quality Coalition Clean Diesel Support list.
Every year Oregon waits to act to reduce deadly diesel steals our children of their full potential.
Since spring of 2016, regulators and leaders in Oregon have had an unprecedented mandate to address the risk of polluted air in Oregon. And they have been talking tough. As we enter 2019, residents of some of Oregon's most polluted neighborhoods are anticipating relief as 20 of the most egregious polluters are "brought in" to the new Cleaner Air Oregon program to address risk from industrial air contaminants.

But it has always been understood that the biggest risk faced by Oregonians from air pollution comes from the reliance in our state on older Diesel engine technology and the lack of regulations or other aggressive work to phase them out.

A recent Multnomah County report lays out the cost Oregonians pay every year we don't eliminate the deadly pollution from older diesel engines:
  • Multnomah County ranks highest in total and exposure concentrations across Oregon and the Tri-County region is in the 95th percentile nationally.
  • Over 400 premature deaths
  • Over 140 non-fatal heart attacks
  • Over 25,000 work loss days
  • Cost to Oregon: over $3 Billion annually

Why we can't wait another year more than we need to:
  • Children are most vulnerable to the long-term impacts from Diesel engines, because their lungs are still developing and they breathe on average 50 percent more air per pound of body weight than adults.1
  • Recent studies link exposure to near-roadway emissions, to lower school performance and attendance.2 At least 10 Portland Public Schools are in the danger zone of too close to high road emissions that can adversely impact the students.
  • Pre-natal exposure to pregnant women has been linked to an increase in incidence of neurodevelopmental disorders like Autism Spectrum Disorder.3
  • There are no "safe" areas in our metro region, but the most dangerous diesel hotspots are in neighborhoods with higher proportions of people of color. The disproportionate exposure to diesel mirrors health disparities in the community, particularly asthma, cardiovascular disease and low birth weights.4
Like the work of Neighbors for Clean Air and you want to get more involved? Click the link and pledge your support to rid Oregon of deadly diesel:
Please celebrate clean air work with us!
Thursday, April 4th, 6pm
Lagunitas Community Taproom
Raise your glass, raise your voice, raise money
Join us to learn more about our work to clear the air in Oregon and how you can get involved. Event space and beer fueled by Lagunitas Brewing Company. Featuring music by Ashleigh Flynn.

Neighbors for Clean Air | PO Box 10544, Portland, OR 97296
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