OJS was unable to communicate with the ORCID service

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Pat Barroso

Aug 30, 2023, 4:02:12 PM8/30/23
to ORCID API Users
Hello everyone,
We created a public API for our Journals that use OJS. However we are encountering an error when sending an authentication request to the contributor. The message, "OJS was unable to communicate with the ORCID service", appears on the error page. In the url of the error page we find the information: https://periodicos.ufba.br/index.php/Teste/orcidapi/orcidVerify?token=7e5530b46f1d2fdaebb5c0c49d5c1930&state=74473&code=Wt3pzi 
Attached is our error page
Thanks in advance for some guidance!

error ORCID.odt

Fran Alsina

Sep 27, 2023, 5:19:40 AM9/27/23
to ORCID API Users
Hi there, 

Thank you for reporting this. 

Please bear in mind that OJS 3.2 is now no longer recommended, due to the deprecated PHP support. Please, make sure to update your OJS system to the lastest version.

Regarding the issue that you are experiencing, please change the ORCID_API_URL_PUBLIC settings

define('ORCID_API_URL_PUBLIC', 'https://pub.orcid.org/');

define('ORCID_API_URL_PUBLIC', 'https://orcid.org/');

More details and information can be found here:

I hope that this helps.

Best regards,

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