resource-ref for relational persistence in web.xml

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Aaron Spike

May 24, 2024, 2:16:12 PMMay 24
to Orbeon Forms
I just noticed the following section in my web.xml:

    <!-- Uncomment this for the relational persistence, and change oracle if necessary -->

This has been commented our in my web.xml since at least 2020. I've been using relational persistence with postgresql the whole time, and as far as I can tell there haven't been any problems. I've configured JDBC resources for postgresql in the context.xml file as described in the Tomcat section of the documentation ( Am I missing something or risking something because I have this section commented out in my web.xml file?

Aaron Spike

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Alessandro Vernet

May 27, 2024, 5:23:44 PMMay 27
Hi Aaron,

Some application servers, like Tomcat, do not require you to add this `<resource-ref>` element, while others, like WildFly, do. Since you are using Tomcat, you do not need it. Therefore, you can safely remove the commented configuration if you believe it might cause confusion in the future.


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Aaron Spike

Jun 10, 2024, 2:03:25 PMJun 10
to Orbeon Forms
Thanks you!
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