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OIDC for http services

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Carlos Agudo

Oct 7, 2024, 1:21:22 PM10/7/24
to Orbeon Forms
Hello All,

Before asking this, i saw several responses (like using a filter etc..), but so far i have tried several things, nothing seems to work.

I have an OIDC provider (in my case keycloak, but i guess could be okta or auth0 or whatever).
So I was able to secure the form builder with "keycloak", so when I enter the keycloak ask for login, and it works fine.
(both in header/ container authentication method).

But all my APIS require to have the Authorization Header: Bearer **and the token**
So, my Http service will ask for my apis something like https://serverClients/api/v1/clients GET (and a list of clients should be received in a json)
I tried using filters , sticky headers, forward-headers, etc..etc..
Nothing seems to work.

Its not this case quite common nowadays? To have your API protected with a simple jwt token?
I wonder if its possible without using liferay, proxy servlets, custom authorizators etc..

Just consider the case of someone using the forms with the docker-composer example.

Thanks a lot for the effort!

Alessandro Vernet

Oct 7, 2024, 5:56:47 PM10/7/24
Hi Carlos,

Currently, you'll need to modify the source of your form by adding an `xf:header` inside the `xf:submission` that corresponds to your service. For example, you could store the token in your `properties-local.xml` under a custom property named `acme.bearer-token`, and use `xxf:property('acme.bearer-token')` to retrieve it.

However, we'd like to improve this process! Does using a property work for you, or would you prefer to provide the token in another way?

<xf:submission id="custIONrest-submission" class="fr-service"
        <xf:value value="concat('Bearer ', xxf:property('acme.bearer-token'))"/>


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Carlos Agudo

Oct 9, 2024, 3:26:49 PM10/9/24
to Orbeon Forms
Ohh super sorry, its ALessandro not alex! sorry!
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