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Orbeon 2023.1 : Inspector Empty and "model" not called

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Bittard, Julien

Apr 5, 2024, 1:42:23 PM4/5/24

Classification: Public



I am testing my application based on Orbeon with the latest version 2023.1.

Currently I am using version 2021.1.

We do not use formbuilder and formrunner, we write the pages in xforms directly.


I have 2 problems with version 2023:


1) the "xforms-inspector" is empty, it does not display the instance data:

However in the browser debugger, I see in response to the request to "/xforms-server" the content of the instance chosen in "Inspector"


2) I have the impression that the use of "default-submission" has changed, or no longer works correctly.

I have to force the "instance-passing" to « redirect » so that pages with a "default-submission" work. The application is in "forward" mode by default.


Thanks for your help.



Alessandro Vernet

Apr 8, 2024, 6:21:17 PM4/8/24
Hi Julien,

I successfully reproduced the issue where the XForms Inspector does not work with plain XForms and have created issue #6254 to track this. Initially, I thought it would be a trivial fix, but it appears either to be more complex than anticipated or I am overlooking something. In any case, we will need to revisit this when we have more bandwidth. I'll make sure to inform you once we have resolved the issue.

Bittard, Julien

Apr 9, 2024, 2:20:34 AM4/9/24

Classification: Public


Hi Alex,


Thank you for the answer.


Concerning my 2nd point on the need to force "instance-passing=redirect" for pages with "default-submission", do you have any ideas?






De : 'Alessandro Vernet' via Orbeon Forms <>
Envoyé : mardi 9 avril 2024 00:21
À :
Objet : Re: [orbeon] Orbeon 2023.1 : Inspector Empty and "model" not called


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Alessandro Vernet

Apr 9, 2024, 1:28:50 PM4/9/24
Hi Julien,

Here we go: #6254 is fixed. The issue was that the JavaScript for CodeMirror, used by the XForms Inspector, was rewritten in Scala.js and was only available at the Form Runner level. It wasn't such a big deal; just my brain not working quite right yesterday :).
Could you provide me with a minimal example to reproduce the issue you're experiencing with "instance-passing=redirect" and "default-submission"? I don't quite understand what the problem is.


Bittard, Julien

Apr 10, 2024, 12:29:20 PM4/10/24

Classification: Public


Hi Alex,


Thank’s for the fix. If I want to apply this fix on my 2023 install, can I modify only the properties-xforms.xml file ? or I need too xformsApp.scala compiled ?


Here an example of my second problem : test-page-flow.xml.

The page «pageconnexionexterne » redirect to the page « mdpoublie » , and this page has a « default-submission » attribute.

The problem is that, compared to the OREBON 2021 version, I have to add "instance-passing="redirect"" to the "result", otherwise the "default-submission" is not loaded and the page "mdpoublie" has no instances loaded.


For information, we set the ORBEON property “instance-passing” to the value “forward”.


       <property as="xs:string"  processor-name="oxf:page-flow" name="instance-passing"    value="forward"/>










De : 'Alessandro Vernet' via Orbeon Forms <>

Envoyé : mardi 9 avril 2024 19:29


Alessandro Vernet

Apr 10, 2024, 6:11:34 PM4/10/24
Hi Julien,

For #6254, you also need to recompile the code, as you need the Scala.js with plain XForms that includes the CodeMirror companion object.

Regarding the page flow, I'm not sure what to say. At this point, you might be the person who knows the most about those page flow intricacies ;). If you find a case where the behavior you observe is not in sync with what you read in the documentation, please share a minimal example that I can run locally, along with a description of the behavior you observe and the behavior you expect, so we can investigate this further.


julien bittard

May 23, 2024, 4:17:59 PM5/23/24
to Orbeon Forms
Hi Alex,

First of all I found my problem with the "default-submission" not loading: it came from the "oxf.http.internal-paths" property which we modified a long time ago by replacing the value with default. I reset the values ​​to default, and I no longer have any problems.

Furthermore, I am trying to compile ORBEON locally with the 2023.1 branch and I am having a problem. I run the "orbeon-dist-war" task and the build crashes during the construction phase of the demo database "DemoSqliteDatabase" with the error:
"Unsupported path: /fr/service/persistence/crud\orbeon\bookshelf\form\form.xhtml "
As I am on Windows (and intellij), I imagine that the problem comes from there (the \ instead of the expected /), I tried to get around by commenting out everything relating to the "DemoSqliteDatabase" in the file "build.sbt": it works, I no longer have any build errors.
I tested the result obtained in orbeon-war\jvm\target\webapp\WEB-INF\lib, and unfortunately there is a problem with 2 jar files:
- "orbeon-form-runner.jar": the "apps/fr/style" directory is missing
- "orbeon-xforms.jar": almost all the contents of the ops/ directory are missing, and all the xbl/orbeon contents

Is this because of the deactivation of the "DemoSqliteDatabase" build? or another avenue?

Alessandro Vernet

May 25, 2024, 3:35:58 AM5/25/24
Hi Julien,

Good find with the `oxf.http.internal-paths` property. I wouldn't expect skipping the construction of the SQLite database to cause any issues with those JARs. Did you compare the contents of the JARs you produced with those shipped with Orbeon Forms CE 2023.1?

You could start by investigating the path issue in `DemoSqliteDatabase.scala`. Even if you're not familiar with Scala, the file is just over 100 lines, so hopefully not too complex.


julien bittard

May 28, 2024, 11:36:37 AM5/28/24
to Orbeon Forms
Hi Alex,

Yes, I compared against the jars delivered with the 2023.1
I tried to get around the demosqlitedabase build problem by applying a "replace" on the calculated url to modify the "\", but it crashes a little afterward indicating that the "orbeon_form_definition" table does not exist.
By removing the build from the demosqlite, I launched the ant task "orbeon-dist-package": attached is the build log and.
I still get the same problem of missing jars.
I don't know what to do, and I would like to be able to integrate the correction into the inspector, because it is essential for debugging.

build dist package.txt

Alessandro Vernet

May 28, 2024, 7:32:08 PM5/28/24
Hi Julien,

I am not sure why some content might be missing from the JARs. Would it help if I sent you a CE build of the latest code, or do you need a build of 2023.1 with just that fix? 


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julien bittard

May 29, 2024, 1:22:44 AM5/29/24
Hi Alex ,

A 2023.1 ce build with this fix would be perfect .
Thank you 


Le 29 mai 2024 à 01:32, 'Alessandro Vernet' via Orbeon Forms <> a écrit :

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Alessandro Vernet

May 29, 2024, 4:37:28 PM5/29/24
Hi Julien,

You can download a build from the `master` branch using the link provided below. Please note that this build is untested and includes all the changes we have made so far for the 2024.1 version.


Bittard, Julien

May 30, 2024, 2:52:02 AM5/30/24

Non commercial


Hi Alex,


Thank you very much Alex for this build.

But it's not possible to have the 2023.1 CE branch instead with the fix on the "Inspector"?






De : 'Alessandro Vernet' via Orbeon Forms <>
Envoyé : mercredi 29 mai 2024 22:37

À :
Objet : Re: [orbeon] Orbeon 2023.1 : Inspector Empty and "model" not called


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Hi Julien,

Alessandro Vernet

May 30, 2024, 1:57:21 PM5/30/24
Hi Julien,

Our CI only builds `master`, so I'm afraid you'll have to do this yourself. However, using the GitHub Codespaces, it is pretty easy. I just did it, and building `orbeon-dist` took just under 10 minutes. The standard Codespaces environment doesn't come with ant or SBT, so I've included some notes below on how to install them. Let me know if this works for you!

- sudo apt-get update
- Install ant: sudo apt-get install ant
- Install SBT: run commands for Ubuntu and other Debian-based distributions
- ant orbeon-dist


Alessandro Vernet

May 30, 2024, 2:45:12 PM5/30/24
What it looks like:

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 10.27.51 AM.png

julien bittard

May 31, 2024, 1:26:33 PM5/31/24
to Orbeon Forms
Thanks Alex, it’s perfect. I was able to do my build.
I note the technique.
Thank you so much.

Alessandro Vernet

May 31, 2024, 1:30:35 PM5/31/24
Excellent Julien, I am glad that worked!

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