Custom Process Form Submit

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Daniel Christman

Oct 5, 2021, 5:06:44 PM10/5/21
to Orbeon Forms
Below is a custom process I created to submit forms from an application through Orbeon while using the embedded javascript API. The process is working correctly, and Orbeon is creating the PDF and sending it to the service correctly.

"<property as="xs:string" name="*.*">
    then pdf
    then send(uri = "http://localhost/xxxxxx",
              method = "POST",
              content = "pdf"
    then suspend
    then navigate(uri = "javascript:xxx()")
    recover navigate(uri = "javascript:xxx()")

The problem I'm experiencing is that after this process runs, something is triggering a POST of the entire page to our application. This is causing an unexpected situation of having to handle an unintended POST.

Does anyone have an idea on how this is happening. Once again, the embedded Javascript API is being used in an application, and when the process shown above runs, a full page submit is being sent to our application.

Any help would be appreciated.


Alessandro Vernet

Oct 6, 2021, 5:29:14 PM10/6/21
to Orbeon Forms
Hi Dan,

Could it be the `pdf` in your process that is causing this? It refers to a process that does `open-rendered-format(format = "pdf")` (see 1st link below), which is used, as the name implies, to serve a PDF to the user. But you might not want that in your case; if so, could you try removing that step of the process, and see if it solves the problem?

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Daniel Christman

Oct 7, 2021, 11:05:37 AM10/7/21
to Orbeon Forms
Thanks Alex! Removing the 'then pdf' action fixed the issue. I thought it may be required before sending the PDF to our service, but It seems either the "save" or "send" action is generating the PDF before sending it to our service.

Alessandro Vernet

Oct 7, 2021, 12:04:24 PM10/7/21
to Orbeon Forms
Perfect Dan, and again thank you for the confirmation,


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