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Performance Optimization for Large Reports with Repeated Grids in Orbeon

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orbeon questions

Nov 4, 2024, 3:11:07 PM11/4/24
to Orbeon Forms


Our company is working on a project that requires generating large-scale reports in Orbeon, which contain a significant number of repeated grids. We have encountered performance issues, where the reports begin to lag, and after reaching a certain number of fields, clients are no longer able to complete the reports.

Could you provide any recommendations on best practices for designing reports with a large volume of repeated grids to optimize performance and ensure that clients can successfully complete them? Any guidance on handling large data sets or specific configuration settings would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support!

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Alessandro Vernet

Nov 4, 2024, 11:10:28 PM11/4/24
I suggest the following:

1. Ensure that you are running the latest version of Orbeon Forms, which is currently 2023.1.5.
2. If the problem persists, create an example using a publicly available service that reproduces the issue and post it here.


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