Oracle enhanced adapter 6.0.0.beta1 has been released.
Oracle enhanced adapter 6.0.0.beta1 supports Rails 6.0.0.beta3.
## 6.0.0.beta1 / 2018-03-18
* Major changes
* Rails 6 requires Ruby 2.5 [#1801]
* Support longer identifier for Oracle database 12.2 or higher [#1703 #1705]
* Introduce `use_shorter_identifier` [#1707]
* Change `default_sequence_start_value` from 10000 to 1 [#1636]
* Supports `supports_optimizer_hints?` [#1850 #1852]
* `OracleEnhanced::SchemaStatements#tables` excludes materialized views [#1708]
* rake db:structure:dump extracts views by default [#1625 #1641]
* Drop db link support [#1668 #1681 #1696 #1706]
* Drop trigger based primary key support for Rails 6 [#1669]
* Don't allow unsupported NLS parameters [#1685]
* fix Handling with char-column problem [#1760]
* Make `t.timestamps` with precision by default [#1818]
* fix mapping of decimal type to map to `NUMBER` instead of `DECIMAL` [#1840]
* Changes and bug fixes
* Handle ORA-02292 as `InvalidForeignKey` [#1771]
* Suppress deprecated warning for `table_name_length` [#1772]
* `update_attributes!` will be deprecated in Rails 6 [#1665]
* `update_attributes` will be deprecated in Rails 6 [#1667]
* Remove `OCI8#describe` to use `OracleEnhanced::Connection#describe` [#1639]
* Remove `strip_heredoc` [#1652]
* Remove `rails/arel` from Gemfile [#1711]
* Remove `rails/arel` from bug report templates [skip ci] [#1715]
* Remove NativeException [#1666 #1762]
* Do not set nil value to java.util.Properties [#1763]
* Deprecated `table_name_length` and `column_name_length` [#1770]
* Add a check to supported Oracle database version [#1773]
* Update bug report templates [#1777]
* Use `supports_foreign_keys?` instead of removed `supports_foreign_keys_in_create?` [#1825]
* Ensure `clear_cache!` clears the prepared statements cache [#1845]
* Refactoring
* Extract `structure_dump_views` and `structure_dump_synonyms` [#1640]
* Remove unnecessary `respond_to?(:report_on_exception)` [#1664]
* Remove deprecated `#insert_fixtures` method for Rails 6.0 [#1815]
* Use `SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'current_schema')` to find schema objects [#1671]
* Use `SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'current_schema')` for owner [#1672]
* Suppress warning `` is deprecated [#1742]
* Refactor to initialize `TableDefinition` by kwargs [#1785]
* Redact SQL in errors [#1791]
* Arity change at `sql_for_insert` [#1814]
* CI
* Use Ubuntu Xenial at Travis CI [#1790]
* Bump Ruby versions to 2.6.2 and 2.5.4 [#1847]
* CI against Ruby 2.5.5 [#1848]
* Do not run CI against Ruby 2.2, which will not be supported with Rails 6 [#1653]
* CI against JRuby [#1824]
* Show ruby version at CI [#1829]
* Remove unused blocklist from .travis.yml [#1830]
* Add spec for custom sequence name [#1846]
* Restore old Code Climate behavior [#1716]
* Do not install bundler explicitly [#1725]
* RuboCop
* Add RuboCop to Gemfile [#1841]
* Bump RuboCop to 0.63.0 [#1816]
* No need to exclude `jdbc_connection.rb` for `Style/ColonMethodCall` cop [#1698]
* Enable `Style/ColonMethodCall` cop [#1658]
* Enable `Lint/StringConversionInInterpolation` cop [#1724]
* Add `Style/RedundantFreeze` to remove redudant `.freeze` [#1662]
* Use `Layout/EndAlignment` cop to support RuboCop 0.54 [#1709]
* Introduced StartWith, EndWith and RegexpMatch cops [#1738]
* Enable `Layout/EmptyLinesAroundBlockBody` cop [#1732]
* Turn on performance based cops [#1734]
* Enable performance unfreeze string cop [#1729]
* Enable `Lint/UriEscapeUnescape` cop [#1758]
* Enable Style/ParenthesesAroundCondition cop [#1759]
* Enable performance unfreeze string cop [#1729]
* Enable `Layout/SpaceAfterSemicolon` cop [#1800]
* Enable `Style/RedundantBegin` cop [#1802]
* Enable `Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable` cop [#1810]
* Enable `Lint/UselessAssignment` cop [#1812]
* Enable `Lint/DeprecatedClassMethods` cop [#1813]
* Enable `Lint/ErbNewArguments` cop [#1823]
* Enable `Lint/AmbiguousOperator` and `Lint/AmbiguousRegexpLiteral` cops [#1842]
* Enable `Performance/ReverseEach` cop [#1843]