Oracle enhanced adapter 6.0.0.rc1 has been released.
Oracle enhanced adapter 6.0.0.rc1 supports Rails 6.0.0.rc1.
6.0.0.rc1 / 2019-04-25
# Major changes
* Support Rails 6.0.0 rc1
* Address ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000
- These changes have been made to Rails itself [rails/rails#35838, rails/rails#36074]
# Changes and bug fixes
* Cache database version in schema cache [#1859]
* Except table_name from column objects [#1860]
* Remove unused sequence_name in sql_for_insert [#1861]
* Use squiggly heredoc to strip odd indentation in the executed SQL [#1869]
* Use Active Support String#squish instead of String#strip.gsub [#1871]
# CI
* Revert "Add allow_railures for jruby-head until #1833 resolved" [#1862]
* CI against JRuby [#1864]
* Use newer Code Climate analysis model, version 2 [#1868]
* CI against Ruby 2.6.3 [#1870]
# RuboCop
* Bump RuboCop version to 0.67 [#1867]
* Enable Layout/SpaceBeforeComment cop [#1863]