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Welcome to or-tools-discuss, a forum for discussions about Operations Research and the OR-Tools software suite.

Some guidelines for effective conversations:

  • If you're having trouble solving an optimization problem, please include the smallest possible program that demonstrates the trouble, and which version of OR-Tools (e.g., 8.1) you're using.
  • If you're having trouble installing OR-Tools, please include the error message in your post and mention which version of OR-Tools you're using as well as your operating system (e.g., Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, 64 bit).
  • If you're wondering how to model a problem, please look at our examples and (for CP-SAT) samples on GitHub, and on our documentation site. It's good practice to start with a small example and gradually add complexity.
  • If you are also posting on StackOverflow or GitHub, please include cross-references (both here and there) to benefit future readers. GitHub is for problems with OR-Tools: performance issues, suspected bugs, and crashes. This forum is for questions about modeling, and everything else.
  • Be nice, and assume the best of intentions from other list members.

We release improvements to OR-Tools frequently. We announce those on this forum and on our releases page. If you want to contribute to the code, please create a pull request on GitHub.

Google does not provide paid consulting services for OR-Tools. Sorry!


Google's Operations Research team