As we prepare for Pesach, I want to share information about selling chametz with you. I will be selling chametz on behalf of the Harvard Hillel and Orthodox Minyan community. Attached you will find a mechirat chametz authorization form—if would like to authorize me as your agent to sell chametz on your behalf.
I will be available at Hillel for the in-person exchange of chametz authorization forms after weekday morning services (concluding at approximately 8:05am) Tuesday April 16th through Friday April 19th, and Sunday April 21st after morning services (concluding around 9:00 am). Signed forms must be returned by Sunday April 21st. If you cannot make it in-person, please send me your form with your explicit appointment of me to sell your chametz and/or rent your apartment on your behalf.
Those who sold their chametz for Pesach should wait until 9:15 PM on April 30th before partaking of it to allow time for the chametz to be bought back.
The latest time for eating chametz is 10:26am on Monday, April 22nd; the latest time for burning chametz is 11:34am on Monday, April 22nd. There will be a communal bi’ur chametz (burning of chametz) at Hillel on Monday, April 22nd from 8:15-9am.
If you have any questions regarding mechirat chametz in specific or Pesach in general, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Chag Kasher ve-Sameach,
Rav Noah
Rabbi Noah Marlowe
Orthodox Rabbi and Harvard Chaplain