Shabbat announcements/Tot Shabbat is back/Chodesh tov!

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Book Motzkin, Julia

Nov 1, 2024, 8:30:49 AMNov 1
Shemini Atzeret and Shabbat Announcements
November 1st-2nd, 2024  |  Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, 5785

Shabbat shalom and chodesh tov!

Shabbat Times
Candle Lighting: 5:19pm
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Ma'ariv: 5:20pm

Shacharit: 9am
Tot Shabbat: 10:45am
Latest Shema: 9:53am
Latest Tefillah: 10:45am
Mincha: 5:05pm
Maariv/Havdallah: 6:21pm

Kiddush and Seudah Shelishit this week are sponsored by the shabbat fund.
If you're interested in sponsoring in the future, please contact our interim Kiddush chairs, Daniel or Catherine (seudah shlishit).

Upcoming Events
Town Hall Meeting 
Due to community feedback, will be held after chagim.
We're holding an open conversation for new (and old) members of the minyan to talk about what they're looking for from the minyan for the upcoming year, things they're excited about, and changes they may want to see.

If you want to give us feedback and are unable to make the meeting, please reach out to the co-chairs (Julia and Leah) or your board representatives.

Weekday Learning Opportunities
Write for the CanTab! With the academic year about to start, the new sign-up sheet is empty and ready for you to volunteer! Sign up here, or contact Yona or Mike for more information.

Community-led mishmar! Thursday, after Ma’ariv
Join us for community-led shiurim on a wide range of topics. We often order pizza, and there is always interesting discussion. For more details, please contact Daniel Seligson, Hillel Sanhedrai, or Drew Gottlieb.

Ha'emek Davar.
Chabura before shabbat shacharit, 8:30am.

Discussion of Jon Levenson's Sinai and Zion, Monday evenings at 8:00pm. For more information or to request the Zoom link, please contact Mike or Yona.

We are looking for more shiurim! If you are interested in teaching (whether once or regularly), please reach out to Yona and Mike.


Sign up to help with kiddush! Having a robust kiddush committee is key to having the wonderful kiddush each week we've become accustomed to. Please fill out this form to volunteer to help with kiddush in the future!

Sign-up for Camberville Eruv status emails: Did you know that the eruv has a mailing list? Sign-up here to get weekly eruv status emails and learn more about the eruv.
To donate time or money, please visit

Please familiarize yourself with Harvard Hillel's exits in case of emergency. In addition to the main staircase, there are exits through the door behind the men's section and through the door to the left of the elevator.

The ZA'AKAH Peer-Support Hotline is available as a resource to our community for those who feel they need to talk to someone on Shabbat. It is not a substitute for professional crisis intervention. Call, text, or WhatsApp 1-888-4-ZAAKAH (1-888-492-2524).

Weekday Minyan Times
(Services are held only if the status is listed as "ON" on the signup sheet)

Sunday: 8:30am
Monday/Thursday: 7:15am
Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday: 7:25am

Sunday: 4:20pm
Monday-Thursday: Ma'ariv only, 6:45pm
Please check the signup sheet/whatsapp group for daily information.

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