Optiq-263 and trait propagation

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Julian Hyde

May 21, 2014, 5:49:54 PM5/21/14
to John Pullokkaran, Jinfeng Ni, opti...@googlegroups.com
John, Jinfeng,

You have both expressed an interest in "trait propagation". I've fixed https://github.com/julianhyde/optiq/issues/263. Can you please review what I've written in the issue and see whether it meets your requirements?


John Pullokkaran

May 21, 2014, 6:12:23 PM5/21/14
to Julian Hyde, Jinfeng Ni, opti...@googlegroups.com

If i understood the design, trait would bubble up by repeated firing of the rules (by allowing rule to be fired on subset).

My concern is about scalability; this logic doesn't capture which paths in the tree can take advantage of the trait (needs trait) and hence trait would traverse up in all the paths towards the root of the tree.

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