Coldest summer since 1971. Coldest October in 18 years. GW political propaganda.

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Hank Kroll

Nov 3, 2008, 12:31:30 PM11/3/08
to Optionality
You guys need to lay off the porn, turn off the computer and go
outside once in a while. Did you notice that when the air is clear it
gets colder at night because there isn't much moisture in the air to
trap heat so the infrared heat radiation escapes into space? Clouds
warm the earth more than they reflect sunlight back into space.

There is no GW or GC. Earth is naturally getting warmer as it
from the Little Ice Age and several large volcanic eruptions that
lowered global temperatures .4 degrees C.

During all past geologic ages when most of the coal, oil and
were grown Earth's average tempertue was 60 to 80 Degree Faharenheit.
The atmospheric pressure was also much higher---40 PSI when the
dinosaurs were here and up to 1450 SI when life first got started.
fossil record doesn't lie. Dragonflies had 5-foot wing spans and
dynosaurs weighed 30 to 90 tons. There were also humanoids that stood
23-feet tall that could scoup up a buffalow under each arm and take
them back to the typee.

This is the last gasp for any kind of intelligence on the planet as
are burning up our free oxygen. It used to be 21% when Moses walked
the Earth. Our text books say it is 20.8 percent but in reality it is
down to 14% and much less inside large buildings where politicians
making important decisions about your future.

Oh Yea! The first law of thermodynamcs does not exist and it is not a
law. Those with eyes can see it being broken all around them as six
million of your body cells divide every second using energy that does
not exist. Yes it is true that nergy flows from a higher state to a
lower one but that doesn't mean it can't gain energy from some place
else. I won't explain where because that would confuse you even more.
Thermodynamics is monkey motion invented to keep college professors
employed and keep humanity earthbound. &

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