Explaining things to some of you guys (not all) is like wading through molasis in January.

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Hank Kroll

Oct 20, 2008, 9:04:13 PM10/20/08
to Optionality
Dear Sam;
I am aware of the recent reported rise in Co2 but how do we know it
isn't some disinformation project to hire regulatory bureaucrats to
take away what little freedom we have left? I don’t know how you could
even classify Co2 as a green house gas when it makes up only .033 % of
the atmosphere. It is a trace gas!

Shutting down agriculture and big business by forcing them to scrub
carbon out of the air isn’t the answer because it would cause millions
of people to freeze and starve to death. When you talk about having
us, the public pay for scrubbing the carbon out of the air and pumping
it underground using more crude oil to do so that gets really
invasive. Are you counterintelligence? I have to concur that you
believe in the Communist Manifesto. Why don’t you just line us up and
kill us right away to get it over with.

The answer to stopping the vast majority of the human released of CO2
and C2O2 is very simple. Stop burning things. We have geothermal,
wind, tide, solar and water power sources of energy that don't consume
oxygen. You can’t use crude oil or coal energy to pump CO2
underground. That is the “ultimate stupidity.”

It is obvious that if we keep on burning things the oxygen will
eventually be depleted. The biggest producers of free oxygen are
already gone. Half the plankton in the oceans is missing. Half the
rain forest is gone. I could go on wining about these things but it
doesn’t solve the problem. The answer to the problem is simple. Use
more solar, wind, geothermal, tidal energy and burn things with H2O2.
This stuff can be made with surplus wind, tide and solar energy. I’ll
explain more in a moment.

FYI: Co2 is plant food. If you take it away the whole earth will
starve to death. The biggest producers of CO2 are volcanoes. When the
big one blew up in the Philippians, Krakatau lowered global
temperatures several degrees due to the dust thrown up in the upper
atmosphere blocking sunlight and CO2.

“Krakatau, also Krakatoa or Rakata, small volcanic island,
southwestern Indonesia, in the Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra.
Until the night of August 26-27, 1883, Krakatau had an area of 47 sq
km (18 sq mi); at that time, a volcanic eruption and its consequent
explosions destroyed most of the island, so the present area is only
15 sq km (6 sq mi). The eruption produced huge ocean waves called
tsunamis that reached an estimated height of 30 m (100 ft) and
traveled 13,000 km (8,000 mi); these waves drowned about 34,000 people
along the coasts of Java and Sumatra and destroyed incalculable
amounts of property. In addition, pyroclastic flows of hot volcanic
ash traveled more than 40 km (25 mi) across the surface of the sea and
fatally burned at least 2,000 people. An explosion in the eruption
series produced one of the loudest noises in history; it was heard at
a distance of 4,800 km (3,000 mi). The material ejected was in the
form of fine dust, which was diffused by aerial currents throughout
the upper atmosphere; for three years thereafter, observers all over
the world reported brilliant colorations of sunrise and sunset, caused
by the refraction of the rays of the sun by these tiny particles. The
island displayed volcanic activity again in 1927, and the inhabitants
were evacuated; the island is now uninhabited. Microsoft ® Encarta ®
2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

A partial solution to the human release of CO2 would be to burn carbon
resources with an extra oxygen molecule thereby cutting emissions over
50%. Air is only 20.8 % oxygen and it is not a very efficient mixture
for complete combustion because air is mostly nitrogen.

Burn all carbon fuels with H2O2. The technology is well understood.
You make the stuff using surplus electricity from windmills and it can
be transported in oil tankers. If there is a spill in the ocean it
won’t hurt anything except to add more oxygen to the ocean.
The Germans were running some of their submarines on H2O2 during WWII.
Our government took them all out and sunk them so that the technology
wouldn’t fall into our hands. With the extra oxygen molecule they
could run their engines under water. Silver is used as the catalyst.
It instantly turns to steam on contact with silver.

We are a cash cow and they want to keep us burning fossil fuels as
long as they can to make the energy producers richer and have more
power over us.
I don’t know why the greatest brains on the planet can’t come up with
this stuff. Maybe it’s due to the low oxygen content inside the
building they are working in or the school systems. I just don’t know.
They all need a mental enema.

I don’t think you have a complete understanding of the Ice Age Cycle
and for that matter none of use do. It all happened a very long time
ago. All we can do is keep digging. Going by Antarctic ice core graphs
the Ice Age cycle is only three million years old. Prior to that time
there were no ice ages except going way back before there was life on
the planet there was an ice age that lasted one billion years with the
entire Earth covered with ice several miles high. That is a long time
for nothing to happen.

Some say there were 6 ice ages and some say 9. There is one graph of
carbon deposition where they drilled down through the sea floor
sediment near Antarctica that show carbon deposition (benethic
carbonate) during warming periods going back six million years. On
this graph you can clearly see when the Ice Age cycle began and how
many. I count 58 Ice Ages during a three-million–year period. At first
the Ice Ages were short only 10 to 20-thousand years. The last Ice age
lasted 90-thousand years. As our elliptical orbit around Sirius
decayed our Sun now goes out to nine light years and comes to within
1/10 LY.

The Antarctic ice core graphs show a record of CO2, temperature,
methane, and ice deposition going back close to three million years
and for the most part CO2 is lower than it is today. However, if you
go back to when the climate was warmer prior to three million years
and things grew well the CO2 was much higher than it is today and at
one time when life began on the planet it was over 20% of our
atmosphere. Venus now has a 117 PSI atmosphere that is mostly CO2.

Where do you think the carbon resources came from? Didn’t they come
from CO2, plant growth and sunlight (photosynthesis)? In ancient time
our sun didn’t burn as hot as it does today so how could it be
responsible for laying down all the carbon resources? The
Carboniferous Era created layers of anthracite coal 100 feet in Utah,
Pennsylvania, Virginia and other places cannot be explained using
light from our sun. The carboniferous also laid down calcium carbonate
limestone (carbon and calcium) layers up to 12,500 feet thick. This
took incredible amounts of photosynthesis and Co2! This cannot be
explained using light from our sun. The light had to come from some
place else.

At the present time Earth is still in the three-million-year-long Ice
Age cycle with an average temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Prior
to three million years ago there were no Ice Ages and average
temperature on earth was 50 to 60 degrees and during the carboniferous
it was up toe 80 degrees F.

I am just trying to cut through the BS and get to the facts here.
After years of research I am convinced that whoever brought the Moon
in 13,000 years ago creating the Arctic Ocean, freezing herds of
camels, horses, mastodons and people and tilted the Earth from a near
vertical inclination to the sun to 23.5 degrees thereby doubling
arable land and doubling the productivity of the oceans was a genius.
It also pushed the continent of Antarctica up to an average height of
6,500 feet above sea level, caused volcanism world wide and caused a
flood of biblical proportions.

The main reason we are not covered with ice at the present time is
because the Moon imparts 2E20 Jules of energy to Earth every second 24-
hours a day. 1/1000th of that energy is enough to warm the Earth’s
surface more than what the sun gives us because it goes on 24 hours a
day stirring the magma beneath our feet and tide and wind. If that
isn’t direct evidence of terra forming I don’t know what is. There is
much more evidence for this theory in my book including who engineered
this project.

I know all this sounds fantastic but I put all the math and gravity
data in the book so that the reader can figure it out for themselves
and make up their own mind. I don’t want anybody to take my word for
anything. In the mean time please go on the web and study all the
Antarctic and Greenland ice data and it will give you a more clear
understanding of what is really happening.

To find out where and how earth got out of a billion-year ICE AGE and
how life really got started on this planet you will have to get a copy
of my 350-PAGE book: COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES. I hope it will be ready in
a month on my web sites. www.GuardDogBooks.com and www.ALaskaPublishing.com

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