NO GW! EARTH RECOVERING FROM ICE AGE AND VOLCANISM. GW bogus excuse for population reduction!

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Hank Kroll

Oct 22, 2008, 3:36:05 PM10/22/08
to Optionality
IPCC disinformation BIBLE funded by global elite to keep us focused
away from the real threats to the planet.
Plutonium Files: How the U.S. Secretly Fed Radioactivity to Thousands
of Americans
Denver-based journalist Eileen Welsome reveals how as a reporter for
the tiny Albuquerque Tribune (circulation 35,000) she uncovered one of
the country’s great Cold War secrets: the U.S. government had
knowingly exposed thousands of human Guinea pigs with radiation
poisoning including 18 Americans who had plutonium injected directly
into their bloodstream. [includes rush transcript] -- Check this out!
Thousands of tons of radioactive waste dumped into the ocean.
Ninety-thousand containers each containing 100 kilocuries of
radioactive waste was dumped along the coast of the United States.
These containers have rusted through by now and are leaking
radioactivity that is contaminating crabs, clams, fish and other
seafood consumed by humans. There is no way to recover them.
Five-hundred-thousand containers each containing 100 kilocuries of
radioactive waste were dumped along the European coast. The metal
containers are now leaking radioactive material into the sea
contaminating fish and genetically altering plankton and and other

The global warming Bible is the multimillion-dollar Inter-government
Panel on Climate Change or IPCC. They actually believe that it is
God’s word set in stone but it totally ignores two very large sources
of energy affecting the climate on Earth and some of the information
has been skewed to satisfy an agenda of depopulating the world. This
panel was partially funded by the elitist Bilderberger Group,
Rothschild, Rockefellers and others invested in maintaining control.

The IPCC report itself reminds me of the three blind men examining an
elephant. The first blind man felt a leg said, “The elephant is like a
tree.” The second blind man felling the trunk said, “The Elephant is
like a snake.” The third blind man feeling the tail said, “An elephant
is like a piece of rope.” A fourth blind man slipped and fell in it
said, “Whew! An elephant stinks.”

We just came out of a Little Ice Age so we can naturally expect a one
degree rise in temperature every decade! “There is no exact agreement
as to which dates mark the beginning and end of the Little Ice Age,
but from about 1350 to about 1850 is one reasonable estimate.” ---IPCC
Historical Overview of Climate Change Page 108.

When Captain James Cook mapped Cook Inlet in 1774 he didn’t have any
trouble navigating up Cook Inlet to map Turnagan Arm because there was
no ice. He thought he had found the Northwest Passage but he had to
turn again so he named it Turnagan Arm. The point is there wasn’t much
ice at the time so the Little Ice Age wasn’t too severe in 1774. Later
on the glacier ice creep seaward a mile or more.

As a museum Director and Sea Captain I collect old maps for posterity
and have 1904 marine charts of lower Cook Inlet and Kachemak Bay. At
that time glaciers were at the mouth of the fjords now known as Sadie
Cove and Tutka Bay. The Harding Ice Field covered most of the head of
Kachemak which is now grazing land. The fact that we came out of a
small ice age is not evidence of global warming. It is a good thing
because it makes more arable land and living space for larger human

In 1876 Samuel Langley compared the brightness of sunspots with that
of the surrounding photosphere. He concluded that they would block the
emission of radiation and estimated that at sunspot cycle maximum the
Sun would be about 0.1% less bright than at the minimum of the cycle,
and that the Earth would be 0.1 to 0.3 degree centigrade cooler. –IPCC
Historical Overview of Climate Change page 108

Page 101 of the IPCC report has a graph of world surface temperatures
Figure 1.3. One person out of nine had the guts to record the correct
temperatures showing the end of the little Ice Age from 1850 to 2000
and that was Willett.

First 900-pound temperature-change gorilla.
You got this big object up there in the sky from we stand is the exact
same diameter as the Sun and it makes the continents rise up and down
imparting 2E20 Jules per second on Earth and most scientists ignore it
as a source of energy. It stirs the molten rock beneath our feet,
heats the oceans, increases wind velocity and creates tides and GW
nuts professing to be authorities on the subject totally ignore it
like the 900-pound gorilla in their living rooms.

Second 900-pound temperature-change gorilla.
NASA recently discovered the other 900-pound gorilla by studying the
moons of Jupiter. NASA scientists were wondering why certain moons
were hotter than they should be by gravitational heating, had thick
atmospheres and volcanism. They now think the interior heating comes
from radioactive material.

During planet formation the heavy metals tend to sink to the core and
many of the heavy metals are radioactive. Radium, uranium, thorium,
etc. exist in rich quantities near the core of some planets and
volcanically active moons. It is theoretically possible to blow up a
planet by sinking a detonator near the core. Maybe this is how they
blew up the planet Tiamet creating the asteroid belt?

NASA dropped 20 pounds of enriched uranium onto Jupiter to see what
would happen with the intent of creating a second sun. That would have
had a substantial effect on any mythical global warming!

Geologically, planets are gigantic nuclear reactors. I remember
reading a 1970’s National Geographic article that pictured a huge
South African open-pit, uranium mine. They were excavating uranium ore
with heavy machinery when they came across an area where there was an
ancient nuclear reaction. The uranium was so rich that the high
radioactivity, heat and pressure caused atoms to split and it cooked
for many thousands of years until it ran out of uranium fuel. I bet
all the people who were working in the massive radioactive pit are now

The point is, Earth’s radioactive core keeps the interior molten so
that the Moon can stir it causing volcanism. The 100-million or so
undersea vents along the Ring of Fire and other places spew carbon
dioxide and pillow lava while heating the oceans and modifying the
climate on the surface. This is most evident when one of those ocean
currents changes course and whole continent freeze. Increasing and
decreasing volcanism is partially regulated by planet alignments and
the magnetic affects of solar activity.

The third possible effect to human caused global warming glossed over
by the IPCC is the several trillion watts of cell phone, FM, AM, TV
and VLF HAARP electromagnetic energy being pumped into the atmosphere.
Nobody knows what kind of threat this posed to our environment.

Earth is an ongoing eugenics project with the elitist white Zionist
Jews funding the wars to kill off the black Jews and Arabs using
Christian farm boys to do the dirty work. Jesus was a black Jew as
evidenced by the many ancient, black Madonna’s located in various
churches throughout Europe.

Much of the eugenics bloodshed in the world is encouraged by organized
religions funded by the elite rich with the warped “One World” vision
of re-wilding the Earth to create a replica of the “Garden of Eden.”
Lying about human release of CO2, aerosols, global warming,
acidification of the oceans is all disinformation tools for societal

According to the Historical Overview of Climate Change Society the
amount of solar energy reaching the top surface of the clouds above
Earth is 1,370 watts. The amount of solar energy averaged over the
entire planet is ¼ of that or 342.5 watts. 30% is reflected back into
space by the ice caps leaving 239.75 watts per square meter –IPCC

The increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
are not the only factors influencing climate. Explosive volcanic
eruptions can inject enormous amounts of sulfur dioxide and ash into
the atmosphere. Aerosol particles injected into the stratosphere can
result in climate changes lasting up to several years. Observed
climatic responses to the Mt. Pinatubo eruption have included
tropospheric cooling, stratospheric warming, and an overall drop of
about 0.5°C in the global average surface temperature.

The IPCC base their whole theory of global warming on a global
temperature rise of .4 degrees C over a period of several decades and
are blaming it on the human release of aerosol gases and the trace gas
CO2. Do you see the disparity here?

“There are not yet comprehensive estimates of how the effects of
changes in aerosol concentrations, changes in land cover and land use,
and changes in concentrations of greenhouse gases will combine with
natural influences to alter the global climate. Examination of the
temperature record of the last 100 years does show a warming of about
0.5°C, only temporarily reversed recently by the volcanic influence of
Mt. Pinatubo, suggesting that the enhanced greenhouse effect is
exerting the primary influence. The fact that this warming is somewhat
less and different in timing than that predicted by computer models
emphasizes the need for continuing research directed toward gaining a
better understanding of both human and natural influences such as
solar variability on the climate system.” –Global Cooling Google

It is estimated that when Mount Pinatubo erupted the ash spread in the
upper atmosphere lowered global temperatures .5 degrees C. Mount
Pinatubo, active volcano in the Philippines, in the central part of
the island of Luzon, at the juncture of Tarlac, Zambales, and Pampanga
provinces. Mount Pinatubo is almost 90 km (55 mi) north of Manila and
about 24 km (about 16 mi) east of Angeles, where the United States Air
Force Base known as the Clark Air Base was located. Until 1991, Mount
Pinatubo was classified as inactive because it had been dormant for at
least 600 years. In June and July of that year, the volcano erupted
several times, throwing millions of tons of ash and other volcanic
material over 15,000 m (almost 50,000 ft) high into the atmosphere.
Much of this volcanic material spread around the world in the upper
atmosphere. Locally, the ash reached a depth of more than 3 m (10 ft).
Heavy tropical rains turned the ash to mud and triggered massive
mudslides. By late August 1991 it was estimated that 550 people had
died because of the eruption and its aftermath. In addition, more than
650,000 people had lost their livelihood, and 100,000 hectares (almost
250,000 acres) of agricultural land had been devastated. The ash
covered nearby Clark Air Base and sped up the U.S. pullout from Clark,
which was until 1991 one of the largest U.S. Air Force bases outside
of the United States. Mount Pinatubo erupted again in August 1992,
causing more destruction. Mount Pinatubo is 1,780 m (5,840 ft) high.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All
rights reserved.
“Krakatau, also Krakatoa or Rakata, small volcanic island,
southwestern Indonesia, in the Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra.
Until the night of August 26-27, 1883, Krakatau had an area of 47 sq
km (18 sq mi); at that time, a volcanic eruption and its consequent
explosions destroyed most of the island, so the present area is only
15 sq km (6 sq mi). The eruption produced huge ocean waves called
tsunamis that reached an estimated height of 30 m (100 ft) and
traveled 13,000 km (8,000 mi); these waves drowned about 34,000 people
along the coasts of Java and Sumatra and destroyed incalculable
amounts of property. In addition, pyroclastic flows of hot volcanic
ash traveled more than 40 km (25 mi) across the surface of the sea and
fatally burned at least 2,000 people. An explosion in the eruption
series produced one of the loudest noises in history; it was heard at
a distance of 4,800 km (3,000 mi). The material ejected was in the
form of fine dust, which was diffused by aerial currents throughout
the upper atmosphere; for three years thereafter, observers all over
the world reported brilliant colorations of sunrise and sunset, caused
by the refraction of the rays of the sun by these tiny particles. The
island displayed volcanic activity again in 1927, and the inhabitants
were evacuated; the island is now uninhabited. Microsoft ® Encarta ®
2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

When Novarupta erupted making a crater three miles wide it dumped six-
feet of ash on Kodiak Island and over a foot of ash on the city of
Anchorage Alaska 250 miles to the Northeast lowering global
temperatures three degrees. It too lowered global temperatures .5
degrees C.

Katmai National Park and Preserve, southwestern Alaska, established as
a national monument 1918, as a national park 1980. Located on the
northeastern coast of the Alaska Peninsula, the park contains Katmai
Volcano (2,047 m/6,716 ft), Novarupta Volcano, and the Valley of Ten
Thousand Smokes. In June 1912 the newly formed Novarupta erupted
violently, blowing off the entire mountaintop and showering volcanic
ash over Kodiak Island and much of the Alaska mainland. The eruption
formed the ash-filled Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes and probably
drained molten material from beneath the peak of nearby Katmai,
causing the collapse of its top and forming a large crater. When a
National Geographic Society expedition discovered the valley in 1916,
they found numerous fumaroles (vents issuing gases and steam), only a
few of which remain. Katmai crater, about 5 km (about 3 mi) wide and
about 1,130 m (about 3,700 ft) deep, is lined with glaciers, some of
which flow into the blue-green lake on its floor.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All
rights reserved.
Again, the IPCC bases their whole theory of global warming on a global
temperature rise of .4 degrees C over a period of several decades and
are blaming it on the human release of aerosol gases and the trace
gas .033% CO2. Argon from the decay of potassium isotopes in the rocks
makes up 1% of our atmosphere. Shouldn’t the GW nuts be using carbon
fuels to pump argon underground? Do you see the disparity here? The
temperature on Earth has steadily been getting warmer as it recovers
from the Little Ice Age and numerous volcanic eruptions that have been
keeping the climate cold.
Global warming and human release of CO2 is a good thing because more
arable land is available for people to grow food. NO Global warming as
Earth is recovering from volcanic eruptions.

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