Why do I have to read a book when I have all the information I need right here on my PC?

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Hank Kroll

Nov 29, 2008, 12:47:29 PM11/29/08
to Optionality

The Chinese have already demonstrated their capability of shooting
down satellites and I am sure Russia and several other nations also
have that capability. If some major confrontation became eminent
between the superpowers you can bet the internet satellites and global
positing satellites and also your satellite television would be the
first to go.

The above comment, “Whey do I need to read a book when I can get all
the information I need right here on my PC” is an example of some of
the feedback I got recently when posting information about my books on
line. For Pete’s sake! That’s a Homer Simpson line; “Why do I need to
read a book when I can get all the knowledge I’ll ever need right here
on my TV?”

I got news for you Bub. There are certain things so secret, so
valuable, so life-changing, so disruptive to the system that you will
never see them on the Web. The only way you are going to get this
information is by reading books. If this were not true then all
library would suddenly become obsolete. All book stores would go out
of business and all book publishers and writers would be out on the
street living in cardboard boxes. Even Bibles would be outlawed again.
This isn’t going to happen but your web connection could disappear in
an instant and everything would be chaos.

They only way you are going to get an education and figure out how to
navigate you way through life is by reading. If you can’t read then
you are really in trouble?

Yesterday I went to see a hard working young man through a series of
circumstances and dumb decisions will probably be in jail at least
three years. You have to show up a half hour early and stand around in
the cold until they buzz you into the facility. They only have three
bulletproof glass windows where you can talk with a phone so if there
is more than three people ahead of you, you will have made the long
drive down there for nothing. You are not allowed to wear a hat and
you need a picture ID. They run the metal detector all over.
Eventually they buzz you through a steel door where you get to talk to
the person you came to see.

The poor guy I came to see was pulled over for driving with a license
and no insurance. He was buying some land and building a cabin for the
winter. Like a trapped animal he bolted out of the police car and
tried to get away because he was obsessed with finishing his cabin
before winter. This added alluding and escape 2 to the charges. He had
come to Alaska from Oregon thinking he could avoid going to jail for
delivering and growing pot, which by the way is the only cash crop in
Oregon. After he rots in jail three or four years and goes to court
eight or ten times they will probably ship him down to Oregon for more
jail time. What a waste!
There is so much wasted humanity in jail to day—mostly due to the ever
increasing number of laws on the books. There are so many laws now
that no single person can read them all in their lifetime. The only
way out of this mess that I can see is as Bush said before invading
Iraq, “ they need a regime change.”

I have read close to a hundred self-help books and I can honestly say
that I gained very little from the input other than a small
understanding of the psychology of the hype behind writing and selling
that kind of material. Die With The Most Toys was the first book I
wrote more than 30 years ago. It was titled, Opportunity Seeker’s
Handbook back then. It was packed full of useful information but it
wasn’t quite hard hitting enough to reach today’s youth.

The reason I wrote it was that I had this pie-in-the-sky idea that I
wanted to help people. I wanted future generations to have a better
life. The book wasn’t advertised and the publisher ripped me of for
ten grand. After that, I decided to be my own publisher. Back then ten
grand invested in Berkshire Hathaway would be worth 2.5 million today.

I wanted to cover investing, medicine and health and what to do in an
emergency situation such as a depression or all out war. I wrote about
how to glean food from farmers and how to dumpster dive behind
supermarkets. Many people were embarrassed by that. I wrote about
staying healthy and surviving a divorce. I wrote about how to find a
life mate and some people were embarrassed about that.

Do you have children you would like to see get on the right path? Are
you having marital trouble? Are you going through a divorce? Are you
deeply in debt? Are you loosing your house? Do you want a comfortable
retirement? Are you being harassed by lawyers? If so, then you need a
copy of my book.

Last year I re-wrote parts of it to make people understand how our
school systems program us for failure and to keep us down. I wanted to
reach today’s youth. The title is, DIE WITH THE MOST TOYS. It is
available NOW on Amazon.com, Barns & Noble and all major books stores
around the world and on my web sites: www.GuardDogBooks.com &
Best of luck and happy holidays! Hank Kroll

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