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Hank Kroll

Nov 18, 2008, 8:40:22 PM11/18/08
to Optionality
Are you free when you are forced to sign your children into the forum
public schools of “social engineering’ to ‘domesticate” their ideology
instead of teaching knowledge?

Are you free when your children are being subjected to personal body
searches, testing of body fluids, without tolerance without meaning or
right, and police power to gang “sweep” schools without “criminal
intent” of students? These are very serious acts of violated Trust and

The agency sends the message to our children, of how much sovereignty
agency has and how “meek” the parenting must be if protective public
policy procedures are “made” necessary by contract. Your “required”
signature upon any document should be avoided or representative of
reserved Rights, which makes the unit “void” on its face.”

Are you free when you are brought before a state charter courts
practicing maritime law for the purpose of ambushing and subverting
civil and your constitutional rights?

Such courts are identified by the gold fringe state and maritime flags
mounted on a military spear or staff with the Presidential Eagle
mounted on top. Next time you are brought up before the court keep
your eyes open. Notice how the flags are displayed and look at the
arrangement of the court room. Notice how the Judge sits up on the
Captain’s bridge above the secretary/ensign which is higher than the
jury box. People sitting outside the railing of the ship are flotsam
and cannot communicate with the bridge.

It is OK to ask questions in the court. Ask, “Do I have Constitutional
rights in this court?” Ask them that if I contract with this court, am
I conspiring to subvert my Civil and Constitutional rights? Tell them
that when two or more people conspire to commit fraud it is punishable
by ten years in jail and a ten-thousand dollar fine. All officers of
the court including your attorney are conspiring to commit fraud on
the public by subverting your constitutional rights.

Legal title 4 American flags have a height to length ration of 1 to
1.9 and are usually displayed on a staff with a ball on top. When this
“legal” American flag is displayed in a public office you have
constitutional rights.

The government agency has proliferated by using fraudulent devise and
elliptical “words of art” to confuse the People into believing in the
false teaching for ‘inferior’ benefit. How do you retain your civil
and constitutional rights? By reserving rights a citizen remains in
Propria Persona at signature and the unit is void of ‘promise’ as UCC
3-104.3. When you sign any document put “Without Prejudice UCC 1-207”
above your signature.

The following are a few of the many questions you must ask yourself
and the court:

1. Are you free when career-politicians, tax collectors, police, and
courts are more of a threat to life, liberty, and property than are
common criminals?
2. Are you free when you must send your children to a school where
your public servants can “legally kidnap” your children, confiscate
your property and put you in prison?
3. Are you free when you must ask and pay your public servants for
“legal permission” to get married even though marriage is a religious
4. Are you free when your church must pay your public servants for a
“license so its members can ‘Legally worship” the creator?
5. Are you free when you believe that your rights come from public
servants instead of from the creator?
6. Are you free when your public servants make you pay ransom to a
private insurance company before you can drive your car?
7. Are you free when you cannot drive on public streets without
buying a drivers license and car registration from you public servants
giving them the LAWFUL TITLE OF OWNERSHIP to you in exchange for a
“certificate” of title that shows you gave owner-ship away?
8. Are you free when you can no longer practice free enterprise
without an ID number that identifies you like a convict and buying a
license from your public servants?
9. Are you free when you must read non-mainstream publications in
order to learn THE TRUTH?
10. Are you free when your nation has more political prisoners than
any nation on earth and is building more expensive prisons every year?
11. Are you free when your public servants say a crime needs no
victim, by claiming a crime is an offense against an abstraction
called a state?
12. Are you free when your public servants can know every financial
transaction you make and can “legally pry into “your bank account
records without your knowledge or consent?
TO BE GOVERNED ”To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied
upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled,
indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued,
censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right not the
wisdom nor the virtue to do so.” ”To be GOVERNED is to be at every
operation, at every transaction noted, registered, accounted, taxed,
stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized,
admonished prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It
is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general
interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced,
exploited, monopolized, extorted, from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed;
then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be
repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed,
disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot,
deported, sacrificed, sold betrayed, and to crown all, mocked,
ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored.” That is government; that is
its justice; that is its morality.” --- P.J. Proudhon, General Idea of
the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century, translated by John Beverly
Robinson (London: Freedom Press, 1923), pp. 293-294.
The above was taken from my book, The Frog is Cooked available at all
major books stores around the world and &

Sam Carana

Nov 18, 2008, 8:55:15 PM11/18/08
But Hank, are you FREE when someone is polluting the air, causing
water levels to rise and storms to get stronger, resulting in your
residence to become inhabitable? Are you FREE when government protects
such a polluter, and supports such pollution with tax money you were
forced to pay?

Sam Carana

Henry Kroll

Nov 18, 2008, 9:35:39 PM11/18/08
You will loose all the freedoms you "believe through counter intelligence mental programming" that you must hire regulatory bureaucrats to regulate the mythical stronger storms, the mythical rising oceans and the mythical idea that releasing the trace gas CO2 is a bad thing. All the things you mention are dis-information to keep people focused away from the real threats to humanity and the environment.
Here we go again explaining the carbon cycle. You are a carbon based life form. Your body and just about everything you eat, wear, nail to the wall and type on is held together with carbon bonds. The earth used to have a 1000 PSI atmosphere that was over 20% carbon dioxide. That was all laid down as the carbon resources, coal, oil, and limestone (calcium carbonate 12,000 feet thick) over 600-million years and humans are using and burning it up in 200 years depleting the oxygen in the process--oxygen that was release when the carbon resources were created by photosynthesis out of CO2. The planet needs CO2 to replenish itself. The air pressure is now down to 14.5 PSI. This is the last chance for intelligent life on this planet before it starts to resemble Mars. 
Do you really want the government to burn diesel fuel to pump CO2 underground and allow the rich energy producers to keep on sucking you dry? There are many sources of free energy that don't consume oxygen and don't pollute like wind, solar, tide and geothermal. If we spend half the money we spent bombing and rebuilding foreign nations on developing these sources of energy we would't have to worry about anything and you wouldn't have to concern yourself about government funded propaganda.
I have a house on a sandspit where the tide comes in under my house. I have lived on and used this sand spit 60+ years and have not noticed any rise in the tide. In fact the sand spit now has grass and trees growing on it so it came up. Continents do rise up and down.
Try not to worry about these things because the Earth takes care of itself. Gia has a way to protect herself. If a few million people are exterminated by natural forces so be it. When thousands of people like yourself want to hire bureaucrats to regulate your life you loose your freedom and become slaves to an unjust system. There is a fine line between a socialist government and personal freedom.
Socialist/Communist governments rule with a tighter grip on statis quo than democratic ones. We all need to start think for ourselves and not listen to the government's GW propaganda. Review the facts and worry about staying alive.   

Sam Carana

Nov 18, 2008, 9:58:42 PM11/18/08
to Optionality
I understand this 'carbon cycle', but I also understand that the
problem with global warming is that human action has resulted in an
alarmingly rapid increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases
in the atmosphere, much more than can be quickly absorbed by natural

Your suggestion that this was just government propaganda is
contradicted by the fact that governments have been trying to ridicule
such concerns for many years, and have supported further burning of
fossil fuel with taxpayers money.

Sam Carana
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 4:55 PM, Sam Carana <> wrote:
> > But Hank, are you FREE when someone is polluting the air, causing
> > water levels to rise and storms to get stronger, resulting in your
> > residence to become inhabitable? Are you FREE when government protects
> > such a polluter, and supports such pollution with tax money you were
> > forced to pay?
> > Cheers!
> > Sam Carana
> > > major books stores around the world<>  &
> > ><>

Henry Kroll

Nov 18, 2008, 11:26:42 PM11/18/08
Co2 has increased slightly but we don't know if it was caused by human activity or volcanic activity. We also don't know if it has an effect on the climate as evidenced by the fact it is getting colder not warmer. The information I have is the latest from the weather burough. "Coldest winter and summer since 1998. Coldest October etc etc.
According to the temperature graphs I copied out of the Time/Life book on climate Earth's current average temperature is 32 degree F. All past geologic ages when the coal, oil and limestone were formed the average temperature on Earth was 60 to 80 degrees. Earth's atmosphere was much higher in CO2 --- possibly up to 15 to 20%. That is where the carbon came from to make the carbon resources. Now Earth's atmosphere is thin down to 14.5 PSI and the CO2 is a trace gas of .033%. 
We don't know enough to make such proclumations let alone hire regulatory bureaucrats to disrupt free enterprise and industry in this country while letting China, India and other countries industralize at an alarming rate. How do you propose to tell China not to build one new coal fired electric generating plant every day? Are you some kind of all knowing God???
People like yourself who need to tell others how they should live their lives are scary. You get enough of them in one place and nothing gets done.
There is a funny story about collective like minded regulatory people who wanted to put restrictions on their meighbors. The State of Alaska put some land up for sale and the like-minded people made plans to build homes there. The land was located in Chrome Bay located about 50 miles around the coast from the small town of Seldivia. None of the people owned a boat or had any kind of common sense.
They held meeting after meeting for months at a time drawing up covenants and making rules restricting the use of the land. They decided that the houses could not be more than two stories high and that they should be built out of all natural materials. The docks could not use creosote piling and could not extend into the bay more than twenty feet. The roofs had to be a certain material and they had to be painted a certain color. They couldn't have outhouses etc. etc.
To this day not one of them has traveled down there to built a house. It was all a big to do about nothing. Now there are so many covenants on the land that nobody will buy it. It is located in such a remote area that nobody cares. If the world was run by people like that we would never develop the technology to get off the planet. 

Sam Carana

Nov 19, 2008, 12:04:58 AM11/19/08
to Optionality
I'll comment on the points you raise below:

On Nov 19, 3:26 pm, "Henry Kroll" <> wrote:
> Co2 has increased slightly ....

As I said, human action has resulted in an alarmingly rapid increase
in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere ...

> but we don't know if it was caused by human
> activity or volcanic activity.

The ICCP studies couldn't find any other explanation for this rapid
rise, other than human activity. Volcanic activity was well taken into

> We also don't know if it has an effect on the
> climate as evidenced by the fact it is getting colder not warmer.

Basic science tells us that an increase in greenhouse gases will
increase temperatures, because their particles reflect more light back
to Earth at the frequencies heat is radiated from Earth at night.

> The
> information I have is the latest from the weather burough. "Coldest winter
> and summer since 1998. Coldest October etc etc.

To measure the kind of global warming we're experiencing now, you need
to look at data from around the globe over the past century, which
will show average increases in line with the accumulation of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

> According to the temperature graphs I copied out of the Time/Life book on
> climate Earth's current average temperature is 32 degree F. All past
> geologic ages when the coal, oil and limestone were formed the average
> temperature on Earth was 60 to 80 degrees. Earth's atmosphere was much
> higher in CO2 --- possibly up to 15 to 20%. That is where the carbon came
> from to make the carbon resources. Now Earth's atmosphere is thin down to
> 14.5 PSI and the CO2 is a trace gas of .033%.

At much higher temperatures, sea level will rise. Remember what I said
in my above comment about rising sea levels making people's residence

> We don't know enough to make such proclumations ..

Yes, we do have got sufficient detail to be concerned.

> ...let alone hire regulatory
> bureaucrats to disrupt free enterprise and industry in this country..

Who said anything about that? We need free enterprise and industry to
work to solve the problems.

> ... while
> letting China, India and other countries industralize at an alarming rate.

There's no problem with that, as long as they use clean and safe
methods of production.

> How do you propose to tell China not to build one new coal fired electric
> generating plant every day? Are you some kind of all knowing God???

China itself wants to change, as China will be more affected by global
warming than most other countries. Also, China has little oil and it
seeks to reduce its imports, while it must comply with demands from
other countries for cleaner products, at the risk of having dirty
taxes added to their products.

> People like yourself who need to tell others how they should live their
> lives are scary.

It's people like you who are scary, as you seek government to continue
the protection of polluters, at the expense of many people all around
their world who are negatively affected by that. Why don't you want to
allow all those people to live their lives as they want to?

> You get enough of them in one place and nothing gets done.

It's you who seeks to maintain the status quo. I want change, I want
things to be done about the problems.

> There is a funny story about collective like minded regulatory people who
> wanted to put restrictions on their meighbors.

You seem to confuse things again. You are the one who suggests
regulations that protect someone who pollutes, which puts restrictions
on the neighbors of such a polluter.

> The State of Alaska put some
> land up for sale and the like-minded people made plans to build homes there.
> The land was located in Chrome Bay located about 50 miles around the coast
> from the small town of Seldivia. None of the people owned a boat or had any
> kind of common sense.
> They held meeting after meeting for months at a time drawing up covenants
> and making rules restricting the use of the land. They decided that the
> houses could not be more than two stories high and that they should be built
> out of all natural materials. The docks could not use creosote piling and
> could not extend into the bay more than twenty feet. The roofs had to be a
> certain material and they had to be painted a certain color. They couldn't
> have outhouses etc. etc.
> To this day not one of them has traveled down there to built a house. It was
> all a big to do about nothing. Now there are so many covenants on the land
> that nobody will buy it. It is located in such a remote area that nobody
> cares. If the world was run by people like that we would never develop the
> technology to get off the planet.

You're talking about bureacracy. I don't want bureaucracy and I don't
want government to operate facilities, etc. Instead, I believe that a
global commitment to reduce greenhouse gases is the best way to tackle
global warming, but this global commitment should translate into the
implementation of local policies. Local areas should each decide how
best to achieve reductions. Having said that, I should add that I
personally believe that Feebates are the best approach, with
regulations only insisting that methods are safe and clean - market
mechanisms can further sort out what works best.

Sam Carana
> ...
> read more »

Henry Kroll

Nov 19, 2008, 2:42:29 PM11/19/08
You don't know for sure that human activity has created an alarming increase in CO2. It might be coming out of undersea volcanoes as sea water is becoming more acid with carbonic acid. additionally the numbers you are dealing with are coming from NOAA, a subcontractor branch of the government which not have our best interests in mind.
I recently saw the actual numbers of an increase in CO2 and they are small. A recent NOAA graph of CO2 taken at the summit of Mona Loa volcano in Hawaii shows an increase but I am too lazy to look up this graph. If you really have in interest in CO2 increase you can do it yourself.
I am convinced it is all a scam (government propaganda) to keep humanity focuses away from other much more dangerous threats. Besides that CO2 is necessary to keep the planet alive. It is plant food. That is why marijuana growers release it into their green houses.

Sam Carana

Nov 19, 2008, 7:28:34 PM11/19/08
to Optionality
I'll again comment on your responses below, Hank:

On Nov 20, 6:42 am, "Henry Kroll" <> wrote:
> You don't know for sure that human activity has created an alarming increase
> in CO2.

I've read enough to be worried about it.

> It might be coming out of undersea volcanoes as sea water is
> becoming more acid with carbonic acid. additionally the numbers you are
> dealing with are coming from NOAA, a subcontractor branch of the government
> which not have our best interests in mind.

With the amount of research taking place into this, it's unlikely that
someone could rig the figures. Such deceit would quickly be leaked,
contradicted or otherwise exposed. There is no indication of increased
undersea volcanic activity as far as I know, but the possibility that
higher levels of CO2 in the oceans could trigger such activity is only
an additional reason to be worried.

> I recently saw the actual numbers of an increase in CO2 and they are small.
> A recent NOAA graph of CO2 taken at the summit of Mona Loa volcano in Hawaii
> shows an increase but I am too lazy to look up this graph. If you really
> have in interest in CO2 increase you can do it yourself.

Sometimes, there are small flaws, and since there are so many people
scrutinizing the figures, this is then detected and corrected, e.g.:
For more general background, see:

> I am convinced it is all a scam (government propaganda) to keep humanity
> focuses away from other much more dangerous threats.

If there are further threats, then they have to be dealt with as well.
I personally advocate a global ban on all weapons of mass murder, such
as nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. But such advocacy is no
reason to forget about global warming. We need to deal with all the

> Besides that CO2 is
> necessary to keep the planet alive. It is plant food. That is why marijuana
> growers release it into their green houses.

Sure, nobody is calling to extinguish CO2, we just need to reduce the
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to levels that are safe.

Sam Carana

Henry Kroll

Nov 19, 2008, 8:26:49 PM11/19/08
I think 8 to 10 % CO2 or whatever the highest level would be for optimum plant growth would be the best level to replenish the oxygen on the planet and it would be safe given the fact that Earth is still in an ice age and could use some warmth... It was 10 degrees here today.
Its quite a stretch to think that one trace gas amounting to 1/3 of 1% has any effect on global temperatures. Argon being release from radioactive decay makes up 1% of the atmosphere is three times more plentiful than CO2. 
All fossil fuels releases cancer causing radium into the atmosphere plus carcinogenic carbon soot and you never hear the government complain about that because it goes against the energy companies. Coal and oil are much more hazardous and causes more deaths from cancer and contribute more to the so-called human caused global warming than CO2.
Ocean temperatures are rising  and have been rising for several decades and theory is that millions of undersea volcanoes are heating them up. Tuna and salmon fishermen constantly monitor sea temperatures. They have to travel further north each year to find tuna. Some of my old deck hands own tuna boats and I get first hand info.

Sam Carana

Nov 19, 2008, 10:03:45 PM11/19/08
to Optionality

On Nov 20, 12:26 pm, "Henry Kroll" <> wrote:
> I think 8 to 10 % CO2 or whatever the highest level would be for optimum
> plant growth would be the best level to replenish the oxygen on the planet
> and it would be safe given the fact that Earth is still in an ice age and
> could use some warmth... It was 10 degrees here today.

Your use of the term 'Ice Age' is confusing, Hank, as I said earlier.

There is a 100,000-year ice age cycle during which CO2 levels go up
and down by about 100ppm and peak at under 300ppm. This cycle is
attributed to orbital cycles. We are currently at a moment in this
cycle where CO2 should have peaked and we should thus be on the way
down below 300ppm. This downward trend towards 200ppm with
correspondingly colder temperatures would take thousands of years to
eventuate, so there's no need to start worrying about this now.

You base your use of the term 'ice age' on observations of higher and
lower temperatures millions of years ago. There's little indication
that these differences were part of a cyclical pattern of 'ice ages'
that's repeated over millions of years. Even if there was such a
cycle, it would take many more years to eventuate than the above
cycle. In other words, we can expect that this will cause no changes
in temperature for an even longer time.

What we're witnessing now is a rapid rise in CO2 in the atmosphere,
rising to levels that have not occured for 400,000 years or more, i.e.
385ppm and rising. The only explanation for this sudden rise is that
it's caused by human activity, in particular burning of fossil fuels.
This is what people refer to when they talk about global warming and
it's time that government stopped supporting the polluters that you
seem to want to give a "free" hand. This pollution inflicts a lot of
harm and violates the opportunity for millions of people to lead their
lives in the ways they are accustomed to. Pollution inflicts harm and
nobody has the "freedom" to inflict harm to other people, the more so
since it's so easy to avoid this if the choose better ways to, e.g.,
produce energy.

> Its quite a stretch to think that one trace gas amounting to 1/3 of 1% has
> any effect on global temperatures. Argon being release from radioactive
> decay makes up 1% of the atmosphere is three times more plentiful than CO2.

The scientific work done by the IPPC seems solid, Hank, but if you
insist on repeating all their work because you believe you can do
better, go ahead. Meanwhile, the rest of the world will stick to the
IPCC conclusions, which I actually believe are too conservative. There
are plenty of newspapers keen to find any new ideas on global warming,
so if you do have some rabbit inside your hat, feel welcome to pull it
out, but from what I've heard from you on global warming until now, I
must conclude that your rabbit isn't resting, but is stillborn.

> All fossil fuels releases cancer causing radium into the atmosphere plus
> carcinogenic carbon soot and you never hear the government complain about
> that because it goes against the energy companies. Coal and oil are much
> more hazardous and causes more deaths from cancer and contribute more to the
> so-called human caused global warming than CO2.

With global warming, we're mainly talking about damage that will occur
in the future. The big damage is yet to come and without swift action,
the situation is getting even worse. Have a look at my article at:

> Ocean temperatures are rising  and have been rising for several decades and
> theory is that millions of undersea volcanoes are heating them up. Tuna and
> salmon fishermen constantly monitor sea temperatures. They have to travel
> further north each year to find tuna. Some of my old deck hands own tuna
> boats and I get first hand info.

As far as I know, there is no indication of increased undersea
volcanic activity
recently, but - as said - the possibility that higher levels of CO2 in
the oceans
could trigger such activity is only an additional reason to be

Sam Carana

Sam Carana

Nov 19, 2008, 10:09:56 PM11/19/08
to Optionality
>> Ocean temperatures are rising and have been rising for several decades and
>> theory is that millions of undersea volcanoes are heating them up. Tuna and
>> salmon fishermen constantly monitor sea temperatures. They have to travel
>> further north each year to find tuna. Some of my old deck hands own tuna
>> boats and I get first hand info.
> As far as I know, there is no indication of increased undersea
> volcanic activity
> recently, but - as said - the possibility that higher levels of CO2 in
> the oceans
> could trigger such activity is only an additional reason to be
> worried.

By the way, there are some reports that there's increased volcanic
activity under Antarctica, which is very worrying as melting there
could cause sea level to rise with quite a bit more than the IPCC
estimates, which - as said - I believe are too conservative in the
first place.

Sam Carana

Henry Kroll

Nov 19, 2008, 11:08:39 PM11/19/08
I agree with some of the ten points in your article. Its great to have "pie in the sky" ideas because once in a while one of them might actually be useful but as far as forcing people to change by killing them isn't going to work.
Stopping the clearing and burning of the rain forest to grow sugar cane to make methanol and to make charcoal for cooking and steel making isn't going to go over well. When you talk about these ideas without offering any kind of viable solution other than killing people it isn't going to work. People have to eat and cook their food. It also makes me and others wonder what kind of socialist you are.
 What kind of energy do you propose to smelt the aluminum to make all those aluminum solar cookers?  
The communist revolution it China killed 100-million people Russia 50-million. A simple idea like turning everyone into rice farmers can kill millions like in Cambodia. You need to start with simpler solutions. You can't curb the human release of CO2 by force. If the government gets involved they will hire bureaucrats and you can never fire a bureaucrat. The taxpayers --those hard working people will be forced to pay their wages forever and once you get a bureaucracy started they will have to have a secretary or two or three then an assistant and after a few years you got a huge organization that can't do anything and is out of control. That is one of the cardinal rules of bureaucracies.     
Fertilizing the world's oceans with iron dust will mop up many tons of CO2 with plankton growth. Environmental organizations were against dumping ocean fertalizers around the Galapagos Islands so getting any kind of consensus will be difficult. 
The mopping up of CO2 occurs naturally when the solar system passes through a dust cloud. Maybe we should be monitoring space dust and comparing it with any rise and fall in CO2? I have an article on this around some place.

Sam Carana

Nov 20, 2008, 2:36:51 AM11/20/08
to Optionality
On Nov 20, 3:08 pm, "Henry Kroll" <> wrote:
> I agree with some of the ten points in your article. Its great to have "pie
> in the sky" ideas because once in a while one of them might actually be
> useful but as far as forcing people to change by killing them isn't going to
> work.

I certainly am not suggesting for people to be killed. The contrary, I
seek to save lives.

> Stopping the clearing and burning of the rain forest to grow sugar cane to
> make methanol and to make charcoal for cooking and steel making isn't going
> to go over well. When you talk about these ideas without offering any kind
> of viable solution other than killing people it isn't going to work. People
> have to eat and cook their food. It also makes me and others wonder what
> kind of socialist you are.

Solar cookers have saved many lives. I suggest you read my articles
again. Many people already prepare their food using electricity, and
I'm not suggesting they should stop eating. I'm suggesting we should
produce electricity in clean and safe ways.

>  What kind of energy do you propose to smelt the aluminum to make all those
> aluminum solar cookers?

Electricity, produced in clean and safe ways.

> The communist revolution it China killed 100-million people Russia
> 50-million. A simple idea like turning everyone into rice farmers can kill
> millions like in Cambodia. You need to start with simpler solutions. You
> can't curb the human release of CO2 by force. If the government gets
> involved they will hire bureaucrats and you can never fire a bureaucrat. The
> taxpayers --those hard working people will be forced to pay their wages
> forever and once you get a bureaucracy started they will have to have a
> secretary or two or three then an assistant and after a few years you got a
> huge organization that can't do anything and is out of control. That is one
> of the cardinal rules of bureaucracies.

I'm NOT advocating an economy and society that is centrally controlled
and operated by bureaucrats and politicians. Instead, I advocate
feebates to facilitate local shifts to clean and safe methods, while
market forces sort out what works best

> Fertilizing the world's oceans with iron dust will mop up many tons of CO2
> with plankton growth. Environmental organizations were against dumping ocean
> fertalizers around the Galapagos Islands so getting any kind of consensus
> will be difficult.

I'm not suggesting iron seeding in oceans. Read my blog at:

> The mopping up of CO2 occurs naturally when the solar system passes through
> a dust cloud. Maybe we should be monitoring space dust and comparing it with
> any rise and fall in CO2? I have an article on this around some place.

Sure, Hank, but let's not take our eyes off the ball and let it not
distract us from taking action to reduce greenhouse gases.


Sam Carana
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