GW/GC Counterintelligence to keep us focused away from real issues!

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Hank Kroll

Oct 14, 2008, 3:54:05 PM10/14/08
to Optionality

Our sun is now lined up in the galactic plane more water and iron dust
is coming in to fertilize the world’s oceans. Additional light and
heat (infrared and ultraviolet photons) are making the oceans bloom
thus releasing more free oxygen.

Additionally our sun is swinging in a million miles closer to the sun
increasing temperatures of one or two degrees. Increasing light and
heat means a better winter wheat crop in the Northern Hemisphere.

Our closer than normal proximity to the sun which occurs ever 4800
years will cause the temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere to be a
few degrees warmer than usual contributing to a hot summer thus
reinforcing the GW religious belief systems.

Educational brainwashing responsible for the narrow perceptions
regarding direct observation of the environment leaving us at the
mercy of the government disinformation specialists who have an agenda
to enact more legislation giving the government more power. The result
of all the anti-carbon legislation is driving down the standard of
living in areas with the most government control [such the US] in
preparation for a massive societal reorganization.

The anti-Rothschild alliance, (with the discreet backing of the
Chinese secret societies), will be contacting leaders of Russia,
China, India, the Muslim countries, South America, Africa etc. to
create a global alliance that will demand a new way of running the
planet. What will really happen? Watch carefully. There are some
Interesting, times ahead.

A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin yesterday states: Instead
of paying China in dollars the US Secretary of the Treasury has
informed the China Development Bank that the US has shipped $800
Billion of a new currency called the Amero.

The agenda to create a North American Union will effectively erase the
borders of the USA with both Mexico and Canada -with this new common-
currency, known as the Amero for the new 3-in-one nation, to replace
the dollar. also:

Sam Carana

Oct 15, 2008, 9:56:31 PM10/15/08
If global warming was caused by changes in the galaxy, then such
changes would come much slower than what we're witnessing now.
The only explanation that holds is that human activity causes global
warming, with the danger to lead to catastrophic changes in climate.

Sam Carana

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